UNAIR NEWS – Association of Sharia Economics Studies (AcSES) Universitas Airlangga (UNAIR) Faculty of Economics and Business (UNAIR) held a Muamalah Fiqh study (Kafilah) entitled Artificial Intelligence in Islamic Economics Perspective. The study was held on Friday, March 15, 2019 in classroom 324, 3rd floor of FEB.
In the discussion, a lecturer who is also Secretary of Center for Information and Public Relations Center, UNAIR, Dr. Imron Mawardi, SP., M.Si. stated that the development of technology extraordinary. In five or ten years, information technology will develop very rapidly.
Artificial Intelligence (AI) is often being discussed. AI is a machine designed to have intelligence in detecting or doing things. Dr. Imron gave an example from the presence of the first Shopia Robot and Humanic Robot in Saudi Arabia that humans can talk to.
“Robot Shopia can also smile, be sad, even be able to answer questions raised by humans in general,” he said.
In perspective of Islamic economics, there are six elements assessed in Global Islamic Finance. Among them are halal food, Islamic finance, halal travel, modest fashion, halal media and recreation, and halal pharmaceuticals and cosmetics.
“In global Islamic finance, Indonesia is ranked 10th in the Top 15 countries GIE Indicator Score,” he said.
Islamic digital economy has enormous potential. Even today, the Islamic economy is the source of world’s new economic growth. Many countries have begun to switch to Islamic digital economy.
Dr. Imron gave an example of British that would make London a center for Islamic finance, UAE which would make Dubai the capital of a sharia economy, and Korea which has a vision of becoming the main destination for halal tourism. In the future, there will be many countries that uses digital shari’ah.
“Not only these countries, there are still many other countries that have switched to using Islamic digital economy,” he added.
In the end of the study, Dr. Imron motivates the FEB UNAIR students attending the event. Global industry will bring even fiercer competition as Indonesia has a target market, the major population are Muslims.
“Your challenges in the future will be hard, because you will compete with technology, not just humans. With the presence of AI, Islamic economy in Indonesia is expected to become more advanced, “he concluded. (*)
Author: Sandi Prabowo
Editor: Khefti Al Mawalia