Get to Know Candidates for Head and Vice of BEM UNAIR through Campus Safari

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Candidate number 2 visited Faculty of Humanities (FIB) on campus safari. (Photo: Aditya Novrian)

UNAIR NEWS – Campus Safari held by Student Representative Assembly (MPM) and Committee of Chairman Election (PPK) Universitas Airlangga entered the fifth round. The campus safari was an introduction to the candidates for Head and Vice of UNAIR Student Executive Board (BEM) by presenting vision and mission of each candidate.

The candidates for head and vice of BEM UNAIR consist of two candidate pairs. The number one candidate pairs were R. Ibrahim Garda Bravere (FEB) and Agus Nur Fahmi (FISIP). The number two candidate pairs were Agung Tri Putra (FISIP) and Maulana Satria Aji (FKM).

Campus safari began on Wednesday March 13, 3019 in three faculties, including Faculty of Social and Political Science (FISIP), Faculty of Economics and Business (FEB), and Faculty of Law (FH). On Thursday, March, 14 2019 there were Faculty of Vocational studies (FV), Faculty of Humanities (FIB), and Faculty of Psychology (FPsi) in one place.

“The campus safari, which has been running for two days was not known by many students.” said head of PPK UNAIR. there were still many shortcomings in publication issues. Publication was carried out and still working with Head of BEM Faculty to be visited.

“We (PPK and MPM, ed) were running out of time and student wasn’t really interested to this event” said Alvian, Chairperson of PPK UNAIR.

“Student euphoria was very extraordinary on campus safari,” said Alif as Head of MPM UNAIR. “However, the euphoria is still not balanced with the conduciveness that disrupts the teaching and learning process,” he added.

Enthusiast from students addressing campus safaris was quite diverse. There were students who respond enthusiastically and there were those who did not know about this campus safari event.

“I  don’t know what KDP is, and I just got the information,” said Sholeh Hilmi, an FIB student. “Hopefully this can be an input for MPM and PPK team in addressing shortcomings,” he added.

The election of Head and Vice of BEM UNAIR will be held on March 22, 2019. It will be conducted by deliberation from MPM and PPK UNAIR team.

This Friday on March 15, 2019 campus safari visited three places: Campus C Student Center, Faculty of Pharmacy, Faculty of Public Health (FKM).

Campus safari will be over on Monday, March 18 2019, visiting four faculties: Faculty of Veterinary Medicine (FKH), Faculty of Fisheries and Marine (FPK), Faculty of Science and Technology (FST), and Faculty of Nursing (FKp). (*)


Author: Aditya Novrian

Editor of Binti Q. Masruroh

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