Role of Millennial Generation in Facing Industrial Revolution 4.0

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Discussion of Lingkar Prestasi with Muhammad Fuad Izzatul Fikri.
Discussion of Lingkar Prestasi with Muhammad Fuad Izzatul Fikri. (Photo: By courtesy)

UNAIR NEWS – Creativity realization of millennial generation in the world of education and social culture has been in the public spotlight lately, especially on the emergence of the industrial revolution 4.0 that requires people to be more innovative in addressing existing problems.

The development of disruption era will potentially reduce the quality of education and socio-culture in this country. Therefore, the role of millennial generation is significant in determining the future of this country.

In response to this, UNAIR Faculty of Humanities Komunitas Lingkar Prestasi (Lipres) held a discussion forum related to optimizing the role of millennial generation in industrial revolution 4.0 era. The event was held on Tuesday, March 12 at FIB UNAIR Student Center. Lipres community holds discussions regarding the latest issues regularly on Tuesday at 16.00 western Indonesian time (WIB).

As speakers were Muhammad Fuad Izzatulfikri, UNAIR 2017 Indonesian Language and Literature student. Fuad explained that the challenges in the world of education and socio-culture have become complicated.

“Millennials are the nation’s leaders who must be ready to face the strong flow of industrial revolution 4.0 and to innovate in order to realize Indonesia’s golden era,” said Fuad.

This discussion forum aims to create millennial students who are critical, creative and ready to play a role in the era of industrial revolution 4.0. Because through a closer look, the quality of our education and socio-culture is decreasing every day. So it is necessary to prevent any problems and optimize the role of millennial students towards a better future.

Fuad continued, academics are expected to play a role in realizing the Tri Dharma of Higher Education. Then it is compulsory for youth to be at the forefront, addressing the industrial revolution 4.0 with capable creativity.

“Creativity and contribution of the millennial generation in the world of education and social culture are very crucial or important. Because they are the generation who will inherit this nation by optimizing the role of youth for the progress of nation in a competitive global era, “he added. (*)

Author: Muhammad Wildan Suyuti

Editor: Khefti Al Mawalia


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