UNAIR NEWS – History Department Faculty of Humanities (FIB) Universitas Airlangga hosted 21st anniversary commemoration. This year, the event was opened with a scientific oration from alumni and student, precisely at Chairil Anwar, 2nd Floor of FIB UNAIR on Wednesday March, 13 2019.
Head of History Department Student Association (HMD) Andri Setyo Nugroho said the speech was intended as a gathering place between lecturers, alumni and students. In addition, the committee received two orators to share their insights with entire audience.
The first speech was delivered by Yunaz Ali Akbar Karaman, 2015 history studies student. He actively campaign literacy through his Prasojo Onthel Library.
Yunaz explained that our ancestors had contributed to the vculture in the form of oral history. Now, oral history is enshrined in the form of printed text or books.
However, along with the times, literacy awareness increasingly faded by city development. Therefore, the presence of libraries and other literacy containers are still expected to fill-in the gaps in society.
Meanwhile, the last session was closed with an oration from Rojil Nugroho Bayu Aji, a history alumnus ansd lecturer in Universitas Negeri Surabaya (Unesa). The material he delivered was “Persebaya and Bonek Historical Journey in Surabaya and East Java”.
Rojil explained the dynamics of sports in urban history, especially in the sphere of football. Surabaya itself has a group of Bonek supporters founded in 1987 and organize themselves to support their favorite team, Persebaya.
“Currently, there are many students and also historical researchers who have paid attention in discussing the history of sports,” he said.
According to Rojil, urban development are not only based on development and modernity. But also comes from cultural elements, such as literacy and sports. (*)
Author: Nabila Amelia
Editor: Feri Fenoria Rifa’i