UNAIR NEWS – Dany Wahyu Praditya, a student of History from Faculty of Humanities (FIB) Universitas Airlangga managed to fly to Turkey to attend “Indonesia-Turkey 2019 Youth Cultural and Educational Exchange”. The event was held on February 2-5, 2019 in Istanbul, Turkey.
The cultural conference between Indonesia and Turkey was themed: innovation for Indonesia in the future. Dany, attended a conference with several friends from Indonesia.
During the conference, he presented an innovation in the world of education that is able to support learning process. His idea was a learning forum for senior high school students called “Educy”.
“Educy can be a podcast or audio recording that can be accessed by students,” said Dany.
Dany said, Educy contains high school subject lesson which is often not explained by the teacher during classes.
The idea of Educy, according to Dany, is able to encourage students’ interest in learning, especially class XII. The idea is also able to give an answer on student’s anxiety problem before a school exam or college entrance test. Dany added, Educy is still in trial phase in Jakarta.
Dany gained a lot of experince from the conference in Istanbul such as making friends from various countries until Istanbul’s extreme temperature that reaches minus two degrees.
“The most unique experience is the time of dawn prayer there (Turkey, ed) which is at eight in the morning,” said Dany laughing.
“But the most memorable is certainly introducing Indonesian culture in Turkey. The reception was good, “he added.
Another impressive experience was when he met and shook hands with Rector of Istanbul University Prof. Dr. Mahmud Ak. He also shook hands with Indonesian Consulate General Herry Sudrajat.
To his fellow students, Dany encouraged them to always dare to create an idea. An idea will bring better changes in the future. Dany was grateful for contributing ideas in the world of education and hoped that he could continue his idea gradually. (*)
Author: Aditya Novrian
Editor: Binti Q. Masruroh