DPD RI in Collaboration with UNAIR Found the Needs of UMKM Guarantee Bill

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Committee IV DPD RI handing token of appreciation to Universitas Airlangga represented by Vice Dean I of FEB UNAIR. (Photo: Courtesy)

UNAIR NEWS – In order to get input and suggestion from academics and practitioners regarding to the content material and the urgency of Draft Bill regulation on Micro, Small and Medium Enterprises (UMKM) Guarantee, Committee IV DPD RI collaborated with Universitas Airlangga. In the form of empirical study, the activity was held on Monday, March 4 at Tirtodiningrat Hall, Faculty of Economics and Business, Universitas Airlangga.

The activity was attended by Draff Bill Expert Team for UMKM Guarantee, Committee IV DPD RI. There were FEB and FH UNAIR Academics, Cooperative Agency and UMKM of East Java and Surabaya, OJK Regional IV of East Java, East Java and Surabaya Chamber of Commerce and Industry, State-Owned Banks, Permodalan Nasional Madani, and Non-Governmental Organizations.

On that occasion, Vice Dean I FEB UNAIR, Dr. Rudi Purwono, SE., M.SE., said that the current development of UMKM is extraordinary. In the last 10 years, UMKM has been able to provide its own color for Indonesia, although its contribution still quite small compared to large companies. Therefore, financing aspect is the focus of discussion.

“Currently, the topic is related to financing, maybe in the future we can discuss the process between production and marketing,” he continued.

In line with Dr. Rudi, Mukhamad Najib, S.TP., MM, Ph., D., One of Draft Bill Expert Team said that UMKM did contribute greatly to the nation, but there were several weaknesses found in there, so we need to pay more attention to UMKM.

One of the problems faced by UMKM, continued Najib, is the inability of UMKM to access the funding. Therefore in 2016, DPR released a law regarding to fund guarantees in essence to access UMKM funding.

“Even though the law has been enacted, it turned out UMKM still struggling to acces the funding” he continued.

Another problem found in UMKM is hard to get access in modern market because of the quality standards system. In addition, local regulations made UMKM hard to develop.

“Hopefully we can get a lot of input here regarding to UMKM guarantee, so UMKM owners can survive,” he added.

Continuing from Mukhamad Najib, Dr. Andi Heny, who is also Expert Team for UMKM Guarantee Bill, UMKM contributed to GDP (Gross National Product) but UMKM did not develop in terms of quality in Indonesia economic growth.

So far, added Dr. Heny, who access the funding from government is medium enterprises. Small and micro enterprises still struggling to obtain these facilities because there is no guarantee and limited income. Therefore the government must thoroughly review the objectives, design, effectiveness, and implementation of existing loan programs for UMKM.

“UMKM should be able to develop not only in terms of quantity but also in terms of quality,” he continued.

The activity continued with material presentation by speakers from FEB Academics and FH UNAIR and Director of PT Jamkrida Jawa Timur.

Author: M. Najib Rahman

Editor : Nuri Hermawan

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