UNAIR Students Participates in Bhakti Jombang Activities Chapter 7

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Two UNAIR students, Titik Nur Hayati, Faculty of Vocational Studies alumni (FV) and Achmad Ardiansyah Romadhoni, Faculty of Social and Political Sciences (FISIP) were teaching the making of robots from used materials in Bhakti Jombang Chapter 7. (Photo: Fariz Ilham Rosyidi)

UNAIR NEWS – Starting the activity in March, Jombang Youth Action Community (AMJ) held community service in Sumberaji Village, Kabuh District, Jombang Regency. The activity was held on March 02 – 03, 2019.

With the name of “Bhakti For Jombang #7”, two students from Universitas Airlangga (UNAIR), Achmad Ardiansyah Romadhoni from Faculty of Social and Political Sciences (FISIP) and Titik Nur Hayati, alumnus of Faculty of Vocational Studies (FV) had an opportunity to directly participate in community service activities held in Jombang border region.

As volunteers, both of them were involved in various activities, including taking part in making robots from used materials. Together with other volunteers, both of them made robots for students of SDN 2 Sambirejo Kabuh.

“I was amazed by the spirit of children, and this (making robots, ed) was my first experience,” said Ardi.

After making a robot, the program continued with pantomime. Alfan and Alan appeared alternately and entertained thirteen students in SDN 2 Sambirejo Kabuh, one of the student named Goni, a disabled student with hearing impairment.

When they performed, everyone were laughing out loud Especially when the fruit scene is eaten by a bee, both of them made sounds “ulululu .. ulululu” which really entertaining.

In fact, Goni repeatedly followed Alan and Alfan’s invitation to entertain his friends. Goni mimicked pantomime movement performed by Alfan and Alan.

Furthermore, Titik who also came from District of Kabuh said that the activities that had been carried out were quite successful.

“The pantomime activity was really entertaining, I can’t stop laughing because Alfan and Alan were really funny,” said Titik.

In addition, Jombang Youth Action Community is a forum for young people in Jombang to take concrete actions as a contribution for social and educational fields.

“In addition, Jombang Youth Action Community also aims to empower younger generation to be sensitive in education and social realm in a creative way,” concluded Alan, Head of Jombang Youth Action Community.

Author: Fariz Ilham Rosyidi

Editor: Nuri Hermawan

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