UNAIR NEWS – Being able to help others is certainly a good thing to do. One of them is by being able to give Basic Life Support (BLS). Edward Kusuma, dr., M. Kes., Sp. An., KIC explained that between life and death there is a period called apparent death with a gap of about 10 minutes.
“The time gap between life and death is our chance to do BLS,” Edward said.
Being able to do BLS is important because everyone has the opportunity to survive if the people around them can do it. The following are the procedures for giving BLS to help victims.
Call out and Pat Hard
Pat and call loudly to ascertain whether the victim is unconscious or just asleep. The shock shown is a good sign because it means the victim is still alive.
Call Help and Check the Victim’s Breath
After the first step is unsuccessful then calling other people around or contact the nearest hospital. Continue to check whether the victim is still breathing or not. Checking is done by raising the victim’s head so that the air flow is open and he or she can breathe easily.
Press the Chest and Give Artificial Respiration
Even though the victim does not breathe, they may be in a state between life and death. Do not panic. Perform chest pressure and artificial respiration. Press the chest in the middle sternum, push hard and fast, do it hard and fast, equal to 100 – 120 times per minute for 30 times. Counts are carried out hard in 10 counts for 3 times.
Next, give artificial respiration twice. Avoid direct contact when blowing because we do not know the oral health of the victim.
After pressing the chest and giving an artificial respiration, check the breathing. Repetition of chest pressure and artificial respiration is done when the victim has not yet breathed or regained consciousness. BLS was stopped when the professional assistance arrived.
Life Support for Everyone, Life Support by Everyone . One of them is you. (*)
Author: Hilmi Putra Pradana
Editor: Binti Q. Masruroh