Reviewing Book and Joking with Anak Kolong

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Anak Kolong di Kaki Gunung Slamet in Aula Siti Parwati, FIB UNAIR.
Dr. Purnawan Basundoro, S.S., M. Hum (left), Dr. Rusdian (Yan) Lubis (in the middle) and Drs. Muryadi, M.IP (right) reviewing a book: Anak Kolong di Kaki Gunung Slamet in Aula Siti Parwati, FIB UNAIR. (Photo: Yudi Wulung)

UNAIR NEWS – Universitas Airlangga (UNAIR) Faculty of HUmanities (FIB) Department of History welcomed Dr. Rusdian (Yan) Lubis, whose book was reviewed at Siti Parwati Hall, 2nd floor of FIB UNAIR, Friday, Feb 22.

Accompanied by Dr. Purnawan Basundoro, S.S., M. Hum. book reviewer, and Drs. Muryadi, M.IP as the moderator, Yan Lubis reviewed his book entitled ” Anak Kolong di Kaki Gunung Slamet”.

The discussion attended by dozens of participants ran well and occasionally amusing. There were funny stories shared by Yan Lubis when he was a child which made the participants laugh, imagining the lives of the underprivileged children presented by the three people in the dialogue.

In his presentation, Yan Lubis said, he wrote the book imagining that he was 12 years old, when he was in a military dormitory. He also admitted, the background of this book was about G30 / S incident, a dark period of Indonesian history.

“But I wrote it frankly and openly, I often mixed it up with my childhood naughtiness, ” said the former director of PT. Freeport.

Meanwhile, Dr. Purnawan explained about the places of Yan Lubis as a child, such as Bojong Purbalingga, Glempang Purwokerto, Wonopringgo Pekalongan and Gombong Sidayu.

“This is 413th Infantry Battalion Complex Bojong Purbalingga, Pak Yan’s house, and this is the Kluwing River, the place Pak Yan often told me in this his stories when fishing and bathing in the river,” Purnawan said while pointing at the picture.

Purnawan also said that the book is a memoir. Because according to him, the book is a historical document that describes national politics from the local level.

“Strictly speaking, Pak Yan recounts national political policies that affect the local level,” said the lecturer in Urban Economic History.

In addition, Purnawan said, the book describes the social and cultural conditions in Indonesia. Because according to him, the book “Anak Kolong dari Kaki Gunung Slamet”  is a mini museum of Indonesia depicting culture, politics, social, and religion of Banyumas.

Author: Fariz Ilham Rosyidi

Editor: Nuri Hermawan


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