Head of Center for Student Admission UNAIR Explains Regulation

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Head of Center for Student Admission (PPMB) UNAIR, Dr. Achmad Solihin S.E., M.Si.
Head of Center for Student Admission (PPMB) UNAIR, Dr. Achmad Solihin S.E., M.Si., gives information on student admission. (Photo: Feri Fenoria R)

UNAIR NEWS – Second day of Airlangga Education Expo (AEE) 2019 ran well. It was opened by Universitas Airlangga Choir and continued with a discussion on student admission with Head of Center for Student Admission (PPMB) UNAIR, Dr. Achmad Solihin S.E., M.Si.

In the presence of hundreds participants, Solihin explained that there are three pathways of admission. For portion for SNMPTN is 30%, SBMPTN is 40% and Independent admission for 30%. SNMPTN and SBMPTN are managed by University Entrance Exam Institution (LTMPT) while the independent admission is managed by each university.

“For this 2019, UNAIR will hold written test for its student independent admission,” said Solihin.

For all pathways of entry, UNAIR will also strongly consider prospective students with academic or non-academic achievements. They can be proven with certificates of achievements. The higher the level of the achievements, the higher the value.

“For example, if there is a winner of provincial level competition, and another winner of national scope, the national level winner will have more points,” explained Solihin.

Futhermore, UNAIR also considers prospective students who memorizes religious texts, Al-Qur’an, Bible, Vedas or other religious texts.

In his remarks, Solihin also responded to rumors about UNAIR student admission process, such as on the difficulties to be admitted in UNAIR, on the expensive tuition fee in UNAIR or the unofficial and illegal pathway.

According to Solihin, getting into UNAIR is indeed difficult if the participants do not make preparations, because all UNAIR programs are popular among students.

In terms of tuition fee, Solihin explained that UNAIR implement a system which is fair for all. The tuition fees are classified into some groups which is based on the earnings of the students’ parents. Solihin also explains that there is no other way to get into UNAIR but the three pathways.

“Do not believe, if there people offering you their service to get into UNAIR from other pathway different from what I have explained earlier. They are irresponsible people who try to make profits out of you,” explained Solihin.

As the closing, Solihin also reminded the SNMPTN participants to keep praying and make preparation for SBMPTN.

“If you are studying for SBMPTN and it turns out you are accepted through SNMPTN, consider this a prize,” said Solihin.

Author: Galuh Mega Kurnia

Editor: Nuri Hermawan


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