UNAIR NEWS – Scholarship programs are provided to support the availability of human resources in improving the quality of education. One of ways to do it is by shaping national character through great leadership and vision of becoming the leader of the nation in the future.
There are various scholarship programs available domestically and abroad. The Indonesian government provides many opportunities for the youth to pursue dreams and seek as much experience as possible. This is evident from the number of collaborations established between Indonesian government and other institutions abroad.
Unfortunately, there are only limited Indonesian youth know about the information. Not many students are familiar with international scholarship programs. Moreover, they also have difficulty to decide which country they should go for their education.
Australia can be an option for further studies. Australia is known to have world-class quality of higher education that is not far from Indonesia geographically and not as expensive as imagined. One of Australia’s most prestigious scholarships that is now widely known is Australia Awards Scholarship.

Australia Awards Scholarships are international scholarships that offer opportunities for aspiring Indonesian leaders to undertake professional studies, research and development in Australia. This scholarship includes tuition fees, travel expenses, supporting funds on arrival, monthly living expenses, health and travel insurance. Australia Awards almost covers all parts of Australia, such as Australian National University, University of Canberra, Charles Darwin University, CQ University Australia, University of Newcastle, and others.
Australia is a country with high quality education. Here are eights facts about education in Australia:
- 24% of Indonesian students choose to continue their education in Australia.
- 7 of world’s top 100 universities are in Australia.
- 6 of world’s 50 best student cities are in Australia.
- More than 9,000 Indonesians are studying in Australia.
- Australia has the third highest number of international students in the world.
- More than 300 languages are spoken in Australia.
- 49% of Australians were born abroad or have parents who were born abroad.
- Tuition fees for a Bachelor of Arts in the world’s top 100 Universities in Australia is only half tuition fees of the world’s top 100 universities in America.
Author: Tunjung Senja Widuri
Editor: Khefti Al Mawalia