PPKK Collaborates with Alumni in Mapping Soft Skills Needs for Prospective UNAIR Graduates

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Head of PPKK UNAIR, Dr. Elly Munadziroh drg., MS., while giving an opening speech of discussion. (Photo: Nuri Hermawan)

9UNAIR NEWS – Alumni are one of the assets that have an important role for an institution or higher education institution. The role, starting from developing the quality of campus education, campus facilities and infrastructure to help improve the quality of graduates. In response to this, Career and Entrepreneurship Development Center (PPKK) Universitas Airlangga held a Focus Group Discussion (FGD) with the theme of “Mapping Soft Skills Needs for Prospective UNAIR Graduates in Facing Industrial Era 4.0”.

The event located at Graha STR Jakarta, held on Saturday February 9. In accordance with the theme PPKK UNAIR invited alumni who worked in the realm of industries, education, BUMN, health, banking, government and various alumni engaged in other fields.

On that occasion, Head of PPKK UNAIR Dr. Elly Munadziroh drg., MS., said that the activity was carried out as a form of response to data on the waiting period of UNAIR graduates to get job are increasingly longer. According to her, lately the waiting period for UNAIR graduates has reached in four to five months.

“In fact, back then our graduates waiting period was only around three months,” she said. “For that, we hope with this discussion, in the future we can provide solutions so that our graduates waiting period can be faster. Especially for graduates from non-professional study programs, “he added.

Responding to the statement, Director of Education in UNAIR Prof. Dr. Bambang Sektiari Lukiswanto, DEA, DVM., said that alumni did play an important role in helping to build the quality of almamater. Both in terms of education curriculum development and improving the quality of graduates.

“With this discussion, let’s improve the quality of education and the quality of our alumni graduates together” he hoped.

In his presentation before the discussion, Prof. Bambang asserted that wherever he is, UNAIR graduates should apply UNAIR motto (excellence with morality) and have high competitiveness. Because, it becomes a major provison for graduates to be well prepared when they enter professional world.

“For that, we are waiting for alumni role who are here to provide input on what patterns can be applied in UNAIR,” he concluded.

Author: Nuri Hermawan

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