KM PSDKU UNAIR in Banyuwangi Launches Laros NewsLet

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Head of Banyuwangi KM PSDKU 2019, Bondan Sigit (right) with Head of Information and Public Relation Department PSDKU, Bastian Ragas at Laros Newslet launching event. (Photo: Courtesy)

UNAIR NEWS – In order to provide accurate information in PSDKU academics of Universitas Airlangga Banyuwangi, Department of Information and Public Relations of PSDKU Students launched a new program called Laros NewsLet.

The new program was officially launched after 2019 work meeting of KM PSDKU UNAIR Banyuwangi in Giri Campus lecture hall on Friday, February 8. Regarding to the launching event, the program will become an information platform for all of PSDKU UNAIR Banyuwangi academic members, Head of KM PSDKU 2019, Bondan Sigit Purnomo Aji said that Laros The program was a new breakthrough in creating the first literacy-based information media on PSDKU campus of Universitas Airlangga Banyuwangi.

NewsLet Laros is an information media based online, in a sense of a newsletter that will be shared with all of academics through a link and everyone can download it on there. Laros NewsLet contains information regarding to PSDKU UNAIR Banyuwangi activities, achievements and so on.

“We are planning to update Laros NewsLet every month in beginning of the month with different topics of discussion, as well as enganging and easy to read articles.” added Bondan

Gambar sampul depan Laros Newslet oleh Bastian Ragas
Front cover image of Laros Newslet by Bastian Ragas

Adding Bondan’s statement, several Heads of Department also welcomed this program. Head of Department of Student Resource Development, Ahmed Sultan Afif Shiddiq stated that he strongly supports the formation of Laros NewsLet and according to him every information must be packaged differently, one the way is with newsletter. Thus, the academic interest in reading information will increase.

“Laros NewsLet give an enganging and well-design articles, so it can attract all of the reader, especially UNAIR Banyuwangi academics and I think it is interesting program and hopefully, the newsletter will be up to date,” Ahmed said.

The newsletter will be presented every month are formed with the aim of increasing reading interest and knowledge for UNAIR Banyuwangi PSDKU academic community regarding to the information of their surroundings. Thus, the academic community will be up to date with new information.

In the end, Bondan also hoped to Department  of Information and Public Relations, as the initiator of Laros NewsLet could remain consistent in its preparation, continue to innovate, and bring good results to PSDKU campus, UNAIR Banyuwangi

“Laros NewsLet can be used as a branding media for UNAIR Banyuwangi PSDKU campus, so I hope the quality will always be improved and hopefully, it can be large media of information for PSDKU UNAIR Banyuwangi ” said Bondan.

Author: Bastian Ragas

Editor: Nuri Hermawan




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