UNAIR NEWS – In order to welcome the even semester academic year 2019 as well as to commemorate 93rd anniversary of Nahdlatul Ulama, Student Family of Nahdlatul Ulama (KMNU) Universitas Airlangga went on a pilgrimage at the tomb of Wali Allah (saint) which took place in the City of Heroes on Tuesday, Jan. 29. The activity was attended by a group of KMNU UNAIR members by offering prayers, tahlil, and sowing flowers at the cemetery.
Nasrullah as the coordinator of activities, stated that this pilgrimage is an activity that reminds the struggle of the Wali Allah who has long left us. The implementation of this activity will provide new enthusiasm for KMNU UNAIR in carrying out its routine before attending lectures in the new semester.
Pilgrimage is carried out in 4 different locations, including the tomb of KH. Alwi bin Abdul Aziz located in Rangkah Sub-District, Surabaya. He is the founder and pioneer of “Nahdlatul Ulama”.
After that, the journey continued to the second religious destination, the tomb complex of Sunan Ampel. In this place, a group of KMNU UNAIR pilgrims visited a number of Wali Allah graves such as the tomb of Sunan Ampel, KH. Hasan Gipo, KH. Mas Mansur, Mbah Sholeh, and the tomb of Mbah Bolong / Shonhaji.
Then, the third destination was the tomb of the creator of the NU logo, KH. Ridwan Abdullah. And the last destination was in the tomb complex of Sunan Bungkul buried in Sunan Bungkul, Sayyid Iskandar Basyaiban, and the family of Sunan Bungkul.
This pilgrimage activity aims to pray for the wali Allah, remember death, establish friendship and learn the noble attitudes and inheritance of the ancestors, especially leaders who have made a major contribution to Islamic civilization.
“Pilgrimage is one form of prayer, commemorating the struggle of the Wali Allahu and NU Muassis and achieving pilgrimage value in accordance with their respective beliefs,” said Nasrullah.
In addition to the pilgrimage activities, KMNU UNAIR has held various activities in the fields of science, religion and community service such as through Islamic book studies, grand summit, and social services. This is a manifestation of nahdliyyin student family organization. KMNU UNAIR also hosted 5th National Nahdlatul Ulama Student Consultation (MUNAS) on Jan. 18-20.
Syaiful Ulum, member of UNAIR KMNU as well as National KMNU Central Executive Board, expects its members to maintain their commitment and fight for NU in realizing the vision of Nahdlatul Ulama Student Family.
“In 93rd NU Anniversary, hopefully as the younger generation of Nahdlatul Ulama we will be able to emulate the sacrifices of early founders and fighters of Jam’iyah Nahdlatul Ulama. Hopefully we always get blessings and blessed by Allah SWT, “he added. (*)
Author: Rina Nur Cahyani
Editor: Khefti Al Mawalia