UNAIR NEWS – The presence of foreign students at Universitas Airlangga not only makes the university to compete in national but also international realm. Foreign students are complementary to the diversity of academic cultures that exist in here. It can be likened, UNAIR is one example of Indonesia’s miniature with a lot of foreign students from Sabang to Merauke and even International.
Cultural phenomena including language, accent, and different characters makes foreign students in UNAIR experience uncertainty. As a result, various assumptions and perceptions obstruct intercultural communication.
The two cultures become distorted. As a result, there needs to be a simulation in understanding intercultural communication of foreign students in UNAIR.
One of them is culture shock phenomenon experienced by Laurent Andriamalala, Master in Media and Communication student from Madagascar. He’d seemed confused while he was in UNAIR for the first time, a feeling of doubt and fear of being wrong when dealing with people in here.
“During class, Bahasa Indonesia became one of the problems that I faced. Currently, I’m still adjusting to the language and environment around here, “he added.
To reduce this uncertainty, he have to find a way to solve this problem. One of them by adjusting and adopting existing cultural values. This time, Unair News team summarized some tips for foreign students who want to study in UNAIR.
First, finding a motivation to adapt and learn Bahasa Indonesia with your classmates by speaking and listening to your classmates. Learning a different cultures will help you to communicate with people in here.
Second, creating positive perceptions in recognizing different cultures. It will help you to communicate more. Interactively, talking with lecturers and classmates is one way to get along with them.
Third, the social environment also one of the important aspect. It will be better choosing a boarding houses with student from Surabaya. So, prejudice and negative expectation will be minimized.
The three factors above are expected to be understood by foreign students who want to study at UNAIR. Especially in minimizing cultural uncertainties that occur. (*)
Author: Khefti Al Mawalia
Editor: Feri Fenoria