Prof. Hening: Disability Problems may Cause Socio-Economic Effect

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Prof. Hening FK UNAIR
Prof. Dr. Hening Laswati, dr., Sp. KFR (K). delivers his speech. (Photo: Bambang BES)

UNAIR NEWS –  “The Future Development of Physical and Rehabilitative Medicine as Disability Prevention Strategy and Building Awareness on Human Rights of Persons with Disability” is the oration of Prof. Dr. Hening Laswati, dr., Sp. KFR (K)., the new professor from Faculty of Medicine (FK) Universitas Airlangga.

Prof. Hening is the 110th Faculty of Medicine active professor, 477th professor of Universitas Airlangga since its establishment and 185th PTN-BH professor Universitas Airlangga.

In the inauguration held at Garuda Mukti Hall, Campus C UNAIR, on Saturday, Jan 26,  Prof. Hening opened the speech by raising the problem of disability or persons with disabilities which lately attracted global attention, including in Indonesia.

According to Prof. Hening, WHO has estimated that approximately 690 million or 15% of population in the Asia-Pacific region experience disability, barriers or obstacles to participate in their social environment.

“In Indonesia, data from Central Statistics Agency (BPS) based on International Classification of Functioning, Disability and Health (ICF) module in 2015 showed that 8.56% of the population had disabilities,” she explained.

Furthermore, she also said that with the current of medical science and technology cases which is capable to save people from serious illnesses and injuries, medical rehabilitation services as early as possible is required to prevent disability. Prof. Hening also emphasized that there were also changes in disease patterns, as there is improvement of non-infectious diseases such as diabetes, coronary heart disease, stroke, chronic obstructive pulmonary disease and cancer.

“All of these conditions increase the risk of disability,” she said.

Not only increases risk, according to Prof. Hening, persons with disabilities experience barriers or obstacles in doing their daily and work activities in their social environment.

“It appears that disability issues have an impact on socio-economic aspects,” concluded Professor of Physical and Rehabilitative Medicine.

Author: Nuri Hermawan


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