Teaming up with UNICEF, UNAIR Promotes Midwife Service Support Application

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Armunanto, UNICEF Indonesia CSR Specialist speaks to midwifery lecturers, at Kahuripan Hall 300, Campus C UNAIR Management Office. (Photo: Binti Q. Masruroh)

UNAIR NEWS – Faculty of Public Health Universitas Airlangga collaborates with World Health Organization United Nations Children’s Fund (UNICEF) Indonesia to provide information on the use of InfoBidan app. Dissemination is given as a joint commitment to provide best health services for maternal and child health.

Dissemination was given to midwifery lecturers from 38 districts / cities in East Java. It took place at Kahuripan Hall 300, Campus C UNAIR Management Office, Thursday, Jan. 24.

UNAIR-UNICEF collaboration team member,  Ratna Dwi Wulandari S.K.M., M.Kes. said that one app brings a great impact on midwife services. It is InfoBidan. With this app, the spreading acceleration of information about maternal and child health can improve.

“Because UNAIR is the UNICEF partner in East Java, we support UNICEF to disseminate InfoBidan app. This is UNAIR’s commitment to make Indonesian people healthy,” Ratna explained. “Hopefully, they will pass this information on to their students,” she added.

In the dissemination, Armunanto as CSR Specialist at UNICEF said that InfoBidan could assist midwives in providing services in the field. Both when giving counseling or when assisting the birth delivery.

“When providing services, midwives often forget something. This app can help them when it happens, “he explained.

Armunanto also said that the app also provides audiovisuals. For example, a video that contains actions that must be done immediately when mother or patient is hemorrhaging.

This app also contains information on maternal and child health. For example, on pregnancy, childbirth, postpartum hemorrhage, child growth, birth control, immunization, and other maternal and child health information.

Application Development

InfoBidan was developed in 2012 at Pemalang and West Lombok Regency. Along with the development of communication devices from mobile phones to smartphones, this app continues to be improved.

Until now, about 22,000 midwives have downloaded this app. Now, the app has a more attractive interface and presented more visual media.

The ultimate goal, continued Armunanto, is that this application can reduce the number of maternal and neonatal deaths, mainly in East Java.

In addition to UNAIR, in information dissemination,  UNICEF also collaborate with  Indonesian Midwives Association (IBI) and Association of Midwifery Higher Education. He hoped that more midwives in Indonesia will use InfoBidan in serving the community. Moreover, InfoBidan has a number of advantages such as being practical and free. (*)

Author: Binti Q. Masruroh


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