Developing Culture of Literacy through Reading Corner

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Illustration by Feri Fenoria R

UNAIR NEWS – In order to instill a reading culture from an early age, the 2019 Bidikmisi Service Camp took the initiative to create a simple reading spot called called Reading Corner.  Reading Corner is a special place for Suwaluh residents who want to read or borrow books for free in the corner of At-Taqwa Suwaluh Mosque. The idea of ​​making Reading Corner is originated from the failure of a library renovation program last year due to licensing problems from the school. Then had an idea to create a mini library that would later not only be enjoyed by elementary school students but also adults.

“Therefore we chose At-Taqwa Mosque in Suwaluh as the Reading Corner location. This is also our effort to prosper Suwaluh mosque. So more people and children come to the mosque, not only to worship but also to study and read books, ” explained Muhammad Topan Ramadhan as Head of 2019 Community Service Camp.

There are two bookshelves in the Reading Corner. Each shelf contains a collection of books with several types of categorized subjects. The types of books vary from children’s books, religious books, textbooks, magazines, to encyclopedias. The books were obtained from donations before the Community Service Camp. From the collected books, the committee sort them out to select suitable books which are still okay.

Most of them are reading books for children because the enthusiasm of Suwaluh children to the Reading Corner program was high. Even before it was inaugurated on Friday, Jan. 18, through Bidik Misi Shares, many children gathered and borrowed books in the Reading Corner while waiting for prayer times or after studying the Koran. They are happy, because the collection of books found in school library is very limited and less varied. Although it seems simple, the Reading Corner is expected to be able to improve the reading interest of Suwaluh children.

After the Community Service Camp, management of the Reading Corner will be handed over to At-Taqwa Mosque management. In the future, the committee plans to continue to add and update the book collection regularly so the program can continue.

“Hopefully the members will continue to develop new innovations for the Community Service Camp as part of the essence of the great work we provide for the community,” added Zulfi Dyah as Minister of Community Service AUBMO 2018.

Author: Zanna Afia Deswari


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