UNAIR NEWS – For mothers, feather duster or those in Javanese are more familiarly called sulak is a tool that must be available at home. Its function is cleaning dust for home furniture such as tables, cabinets, chairs, and doors. Usually, the tool made of rope or feathers that are delicate.
In Community Service activities (KKN), Group D Sukolilo Surabaya practiced the method of making sulak used rafia straps in Balai RW 6, Kelurahan Klampis Ngasem, Sukolilo District.
Met by UNAIR NEWS on Monday January 21 Enno Nadiya Fitriani, the person in charge of the activity said that making sulak does not require special skills, thus everyone can make it. By providing material that is easily found at home; such as wood, bamboo, scissors, rafia straps, nails, hammers, knives and sandpaper.
How to make Feather Duster
First, you should prepare the wood. It used for feather duster handle as well as the main base to wrap the rope in sulak. Cut the wood, about 60 cm in length with a circle diameter of approximately 3 cm. Smooth the surface of the bamboo using sandpaper or directly scratch it with a knife.
Second, make a nail comb. Prepare flat wood with a length of 15 cm, then make a line parallel to one third of the wood. Nail should be in accordance with the lines, then trim using pliers.
Third, prepare rafia straps. The rope, which in Javanese called ropok jepang as a tassel in sulak. Cut with a size of 20-30 cm to make strands (short straps, ed)
Extend the 2-3 m length of the main rope as the main strap, tie short-cut Rafia straps as much as possible with the shape divided into two equal lengths on the main straps.
If main strap is large and extends to 2-3 m, use a nail comb to form fibers. If it’s smooth, cut out the neat part of the hair using scissors to make the same length.
Once it neat, tie tightly around the wooden stick starting from top to bottom around the wood. Set aside the place as a handle then decorate and make a place for handle using the rest of rafia straps.
After all steps have been taken, sulak is ready to be used to clean the house.
Author: Fariz Ilham Rosyidi
Editor: Nuri Hermawan