UNAIR Rector Inaugurates Four New Officials

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UNAIR NEWS – Rector of Universitas Airlangga Prof. Dr. Mohammad Nasih, SE., MT., Ak., CMA., inaugurated four new officials on Tuesday, Jan. 22 on the 4th Floor Hall, UNAIR Management Office Campus C UNAIR. The four newly appointed officials are for Echelon IV positions.

The four officials were Diah Prihatiningsih, Dra; Aris Cahyo Purnomo, S.Kep; Indah Yulia Prafitaning Tyas, S.ST., M.T; and Dendy Sucahyo, S.ST. The four officials were appointed based on two decrees. The four officials were sworn in by UNAIR Rector in front of other UNAIR leaderships.

Diah Prihatiningsih, Dra., was appointed head of academic affairs sub-division at Faculty of Economics and Business (FEB) and Aris Cahyo Purnomo, S.Kep as head of the Research and Publication Control Section of UNAIR Directorate of Academic Affairs. Both were inaugurated based on Rector’s Decree Number 1594 / UN3 / 2018 dated October 22, 2018 concerning the Appointment of Head of Subdivisions and Division Heads.

Meanwhile, two other officials were sworn in based on Rector’s Decree Number 1638 / UN3 / 2018 dated 21 November 2018 concerning the Appointment of the Head of the Sub-division. They were Indah Yulia Prafitaning Tyas, S.ST., MT was appointed as head of the FEB student affairs sub-division and Dendy Sucahyo, S.ST as head of a sub-division of facilities and infrastructure of Faculty of Veterinary Medicine (FKH).

Prof. Dr. Nasih, in his inauguration remarks reminded the importance of integrity from officials to work together in realizing progress in UNAIR. As UNAIR has become one of the public and state instruments, especially to provide educational facilities to the nation through higher education Tri Dharma .

“Congratulations to the four officials, I hope you always  support the university program, support the university program without questions, “he said.

A positive contribution, continued Prof. Nasih, is expected from the newly appointed officials, especially through the progress of units and sub-divisions.  Prof. Nasih also emphasizes the efforts to support and encourage innovation processes that were being conducted by UNAIR.

“Continue to contribute positively to our beloved university, Universitas Airlangga,” he said.

In the inauguration, UNAIR Rector was accompanied by Vice Rector I Prof. Dr., Djoko Santoso, Ph.D., K-GH., FINASIM .; Vice Rector II Dr. Muhammad Madyan, SE., M.Si., M.Fin .; and Vice Rector III Prof. Ir. Moch. Amin Alamsjah, M.Si., Ph.D. A number of UNAIR leaders were also present, such as UNAIR Secretary Koko Srimulyo, Drs., M.Si.; Director of Human Resources Dr. Purnawan Basundoro S.S., M.Hum .; as well as the Director of Infrastructure, Facilities and Environment, Karnaji, S.Sos., M.Si. (*)


Author: Feri Fenoria


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