KKN Students Overcome Environmental Problems in Lamongan with Tetes Urip Program

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Barurejo KKN group carried out Tetes Urip activity in Lamongan. (Private Doc.)

UNAIR NEWS – Kuliah Kerja Nyata (KKN) is one of community service programs that must be carried out by students with a cross-scientific and cross-sector approach as graduation requirement. In this activity, students are expected to apply the knowledge gained during class while solving problems in KKN location at the same time.

The KKN team consists of Fithrotin Azizah, Andita Oktaviana, Elisa Ekaputri, Rikho Dwi N, Rahmatija Ajeng, Ita Febrianti, M. Zaahawirun, Anggie Kusuma Wardhani, Bingar Chyaning M, Widya Canacantya, Evita Kumala D, Alfi Izzur R , Salsabila Fajrun, Febrina Safitri, Shinta Novianti, Ayu Dwi Refinasari, Natya Ayu C, and Khulasotun Nuriyah. They held community service program in Barurejo Village, Sambeng District, Lamongan Regency, starting from Wednesday January 1 to Sunday January 27.

Anggie Kusuma Wardhani or familiarly called Anggie explained, this year KKN held an activity program that referred to five fields: education, economics, environment, health, and social society. However, the waste problem and inappropriate management of the community make the group more focused on environmental issues.

“It’s hard to find garbage bins around the village. Residents prefer to burn garbage near the forest and have not been able to place livestock manure properly, “explained Anggie.

To overcome the problem, Anggi and her team decided to hold a discussion with village youth organization. After conducting the discussions, finally the residents decided to use livestock manure to lift up the economic value.

“Based on discussion result, KKN team from veterinary medicine proposed to utilize Tetes Urip program,” said Anggi.

In Tetes Urip program, KKN group taught residents to use livestock manure to be used as liquid fertilizer. In addition to teach them to make liquid fertilizer, they also teach how to make a nutritious animal feed to increase the appetite of livestock.

In education sector, there were teaching in school and learning house activity. In the health sector, they took a part in maternal and child health services, conducted clean and healthy life behavioral counseling (PHBS), healthy provision, and blood pressure check up.

“We also conducted Gemalataskin activities, eucalyptus oil refining business visit. Sharing idea with residents regarding to the business, “said Anggie.

Furthermore, there are two activities in the social sector. Such as: Quran Education Park (TPQ) and shalawat.

A lot of new things that Anggie and the group felt during KKN. Among them were learning to understand the different personality, and becoming aware that there was considerable gap between the theories obtained during class and real life.

Working with society also made Anggie grateful. The lack of accessibility and limited use of electricity and water for bathing made Anggie grateful.

For all of students who will do KKN in the next period, Anggie advised to be more serious and well-prepared. In addition, it is also necessary to arrange a timeline to be more organized.

“Everyone should communicate to reduce miscommunication and maximize the implementation of the program,” concluded Anggie. (*)


Author: Galuh Mega Kurnia

Editor: Binti Q. Masruroh


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