UNAIR – MGBK Surabaya Promotes 2019 SBMPTN-SNMPTN

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Question and answer session was held during the socialization of 2019 SBMPTN. (Photo: Agus Irwanto)

UNAIR NEWS – Universitas Airlangga with Council of Teachers of Guidance and Counseling (MGBK) held a socialization of National Higher Education Entrance procedures (SNMPTN) and Joint Entrance Selection of State Universities (SBMPTN) in 2019.

Located at DBL Arena Surabaya, the event which took place on Thursday, 17 January were attended by hundreds of students, teachers, and parents. Furtermore, there were various private university representative from various regions in Surabaya and East Java.

Representing Universitas Airlangga, Coordinator of Information and Protocol Center UNAIR Pulung Siswantara S.KM, M.KM., explained various information regarding to the new rules for 2019 SNMPTN and SBMPTN. In front of hundreds of participants, familiarly called Pulung said there are several new rules that had been set for this year by the government.

“In fact, the examiners are no longer managed by the local committee but there are new institution formed by the government, LTMPT.” he explained.

The LTMPT or Institute for Higher Education Entrance Test, according to him, is an official institution that has full authority regarding to the exam, especially Computer Based Writing Examination (UTBK) at 2019 SBMPTN.

“This year, all of the authority is in LTMPT,” he said.

Regarding to the changes of rules that occurred in 2019, lecturer of FKM UNAIR explained that this year the rules are clearly different unlike the past year, SBMPTN implementation which were all carried out with UTBK system. In fact, added Pulung, UTBK exam on the SBMPTN was held twelve times this year.

“And UTBK participants are given the freedom to join the exam two times in a  different times,” he said.

Another fundamental thing, continued Pulung said that last year, participants who had passed SNMPTN could still take SBMPTN exam but now they are not allowed to take it this year. Considering, said Pulung, the data of students or participants had already become one in LTMPT.

“This year, those who have passed SNMPTN cannot participate in SBMPTN.” concluded Pulung.


Author: Nuri Hermawan

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