PKL Story of Fisheries Student in the Largest Research Center in Indonesia

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M. Syafrie Alamsyah cleaning the pool. (Private Doc.)

UNAIR NEWS – Not only for vacation, the long semester break moments for student are spent in community service activity (KKN), field work practices (PKL), or internships. In addition for implementing the knowledge gained during class, students often take advantage of these opportunities to improve their competencies and relation.

Likewise with M. Syafrie Alamsyah, Faculty of Fisheries and Marine (FPK) UNAIR student batch 2016. On this semester break, she had an opportunity to do his PKL at Marine Aquaculture Research Center and Fisheries Extension (BBRBLPP) Gondol Dinas Gondol, Buleleng, Bali, one of the biggest research center in Indonesia.

“We choose this place bacause it is the largest research center in Indonesia and facility are complete,” said the student who is familiarly called Syafrie.

Moreover, Syafrie along with seven UNAIR students, M. Cesar Briliandi, Erza Fika Anaztasya, Ida Wahyudi, Netty Sreani and S. C. Isyaroh Tartila Qurratul Aini from Surabaya, and Diah Susi K. and Novia Salmatin from PSDKU UNAIR Banyuwangi.

They will undergo the program in a month, starting from Tuesday, December 18 to Friday, January 18. According to Syafrie, there are many things he can do and learn there.

In the morning, usually Syafrie and his friends cleaning the pool and then feeding the lobster, measuring lobster weight and length, assisting in research, making lobster feed, weighing the rest of lobster feed, and many more.

Not only working at BBRBLPP, PKL are for meeting new friends from other regions, gaining relation, experiencing new insight. One way is to take advantage after they finish their work by exchanging ideas and stories with new friends.

“A lot of memorable things but working with students from other regions and exchanging stories and thoughts is one of unforgetable moment for me, “Syafrie said.

Although there was a hard time while doing their PKL, Syafrie preferred to enjoy moment. Moreover, the location of PKL close to the beach and all of my friends in there are awesome.

“Don’t be sad. Think of PKL as a vacation while studying but still my favorite are the beach atmosphere and new friends, “concluded Syafrie. (*)

Author: Galuh Mega Kurnia

Editor: Binti Q. Masruroh

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