Team 59 KKN Ready to Continue Various Community Service Program

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Illustration by Feri Fenoria Rifa'i

UNAIR NEWS – Universitas Airlangga continues to improve various breakthroughs for making a real contribution to the progress of nation through community service program (KKN). Similar to  previous KKN period, it was not only implemented in Surabaya, UNAIR KKN 59th was also held in several districts around Surabaya.

It was noted in previous period, there were five cities / regencies which become KKN place for Universitas Airlangga students. These areas include Surabaya, Gresik Regency, Lamongan Regency, Jember Regency, and Banyuwangi Regency.

On 3 January at his office, Prof. Dr. H. Jusuf Irianto, M.Com., as Head of UNAIR Community Service Institution (LPM) said that the focus of this program emphasized on continuing various programs that had been carried out in previous KKN.

“This year in Surabaya, KKN was focused on increasing various UMKM that had previously been developed by KKN team before,” he said.

Regarding to this, Prof. Jusuf emphasized that it was indeed one of a sustainable community service program function. The reason is one of joint efforts Community Service Program for function that can truly provide real impact to the community.

“Thus, students do have real impacts and changes for the community through KKN,” he said.

Furthermore, Professor of FISIP UNAIR also said that various KKN programs which were set by Rector last semester had also been going well. KKN Back to Village for example, according to Prof. Jusuf, this KKN was successfully implemented this year in various regions of student’s hometown.

“In fact, this year there are students from Toraja region doing this KKN. They (student, ed) invited other friends to participate in building their region, “said Prof. Jusuf.

In addition, International KKN program has gone well. This is evidenced by several UNAIR students who have been abroad for study, conferences, or participating in various programs offered by overseas campuses.

“And overseas KKN participants are also increasing. This shows that various KKN programs that we have planned have an impact on all, “he concluded.

Author: Nuri Hermawan

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