Things You Need to Know Before Going Abroad

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One of the best airline for flight. (Photo: Hilmi Putra Pradana)

UNAIR NEWS – Experiencing different country life style is an opportunity for student to try during college. Whether for outbound, exchange, competition, or holidays are certainly has different intention.

What you should remember is that every countries are not the same as our own country. Starting from money currency, dress code, climate, language. Even before leaving, you also need prepare everything. Therefore, here are some tips that must be prepared before going abroad.

Buy Tickets As Early As You Can

Never postpone to purchase airplane ticket after you decided the departure date and determined which airline you want choose. Postponing ticket purchases can cause results of limited seat and higher prices.

You need to consider our decision before choosing an airline. You need to pay attention to the facilities provided, such as the amount of distance between seats and food and drinks option and also notice how many times a passenger has to change planes and the length of transit. Considering, the distance could be 6 hours but then it might be 12 hours or more because you have to wait for the next plane transit which is quite long.

Know About Destination Climate

Knowing about your destination country climate is important. Due to the weather conditions in each season must be different. This will also affect your luggage, including clothing.

As we know that, there are only two seasons in Indonesia, sometimes you are not aware that other countries are facing winter season. So when you going to cold-weather countries, do not forget to bring a thick jacket and other warm clothing. Therefore, knowing the season is important.

Exchange Rupiah or Prepare ATM Card

When you are abroad, you can’t use your own currency, rupiah. You will need money from your destination country’s currency. Considering between exchanging a huge amount of rupiah to other currency in the beginning or relying to take money at ATM in your country destination can be option for you.

Remember that you need to exchange your currency and pay attention on your type of ATM card to withdraw your money and how much administration fees are needed during the transaction in abroad. Both of these should be your main concern. Make sure you have enough money and know where to trade your money currency.

Now, you know right? Don’t ruin your experience because of these small things.

Author: Hilmi Putra Pradana

Editor: Binti Q. Masruroh

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