Four Facts You Should Know Before Going to Taiwan

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Beautiful view in Shimen Reservoir, Taoyuan City, Taiwan.
Beautiful view in Shimen Reservoir, Taoyuan City, Taiwan. (Photo: Hilmi Putra Pradana)

UNAIR NEWS – Being able to travel abroad is a privilege for students. One of the countries which gives a lot of opportunities to students to study abroad is the Little Dragon of Asia, Taiwan.

Every country is indeed different from other countries, including Indonesia and Taiwan. As a foreigner who feels the atmosphere in Taiwan, here are 4 things you should know when you go to Taiwan.

Easy Card

Easy Card is one of the items recommended for newcomers to Taiwan. With only around 50 thousand rupiah we can get it. The card introduced in 2002 is useful for transportation payments in Taiwan, such as buses, trains and bicycle rentals (uBike).

Easy card is used by tapping the card on the sensors. Topping up the easy card balance is also easy, just need to go to supermarkets that are found everywhere in Taiwan. The interesting thing about this card is that when a user gets off the train and the balance is insufficient to pay for the train, the card balance automatically shows a minus and automatically reduces the balance when it is topped up.

Use the Right Lane

Unlike Indonesia, where the vehicles use the left lane, Taiwan is one of the countries that uses the right lane. So, when you are in Taiwan don’t forget to take the right lane on each trip. The left lane is only used to overtake.

There was admiration when I saw the habits of people in Taiwan who could line up neatly in the right lane, so that people in a hurry could immediately take the left lane to overtake.

Indonesian shop

Another fact is that there are quite a lot of Indonesian shops here. The store sells various kinds of original Indonesian products that are imported directly. Regarding prices, it is surely more expensive than in Indonesia. Even so, the presence of shops in Taiwan can cure people’s longing for Indonesian food. For example, who longs for the spicy flavor of sambal and the pleasure of Indonesian instant noodles.

Universal Travel Adapter

Unlike Indonesia which uses circular outlets, Taiwanese power outlet is similar with the Universal travel adapter, so it is compulsory to bring one anywhere. The item must be on the list of equipments that must be carried.

If you don’t have one, buying one there is also possible and it will not be in vain because it can still be used to travel to other countries.

So, are you ready to go to Taiwan?

Author: Hilmi Putra Pradana

Editor: Binti Q. Masruroh


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