UNAIR NEWS – End of the year is the right moment for a lot of reflection and evaluation especially reflection and evaluation on various performance, achievements, and various things that have been done for one year.
For this reason, with leaderships of Universitas Airlangga, UNAIR Rector Prof. Nasih held a leadership meeting in the end of 2018. In addition to conducting various evaluations and reflections on various achievements. Prof. Nasih first opened his speech by inviting all the officials to be grateful for the blessings and opportunities during their service.
Furthermore, Prof. Nasih also invited all leaders to maintain togetherness, solidarity, and maintain the integration between work units well in years to come.
“Because togetherness and integration is the key,” he said when opening the discussion held at AMERTA Hall Campus C on Monday, December 31.
The meeting was a preliminary meeting before the work meeting held in January. It was an appropriate moment to explain the various achievements which should be improved in the future.
There are many targets achieved and showed positive values. One of them is the improvement on the number of papers published in scopus indexed journals. There was also addition of programs that are accredited A.
“All of these successes are certainly the result of a good form of cooperation among all of us,” said Prof. Nasih.
Even so, Prof. Nasih also said there are some points that require serious attentions. Coordination between institutions, for example, which still needs a better improvement in the future. Prof. Nasih said that good coordination will be a milestone in carrying out effective and efficient work.
Author: Nuri Hermawan