UNAIR NEWS – Dian Pratama, student of PSDKU Accounting Study Program batch 2017 from Universitas Airlangga, Banyuwangi made an achievement once again. Starting from his hobby of writing, two articles he made successfully passed the selection to be presented in Smonagenes (community service dissemination, ed) which is located on Universitas Brawijaya Malang.
Under the guidance of A.A. Gde Satia Utama, Dian compiled two scientific article titles from the results of community service activities, among others, “Increasing the productivity of Alasmalang Village PKK through the manufacture of Supir Maling (environmentally friendly dish soap)” and “Ecogreen Accounting Village, accounting synergy for Gombengsari people.” Both of them successfully presented at Smonagenes last week.
“Our uniqueness are combining science with accounting.” Exploring environmental service-based,” said Dian.
The background due to economic conditions and also social culture of Alasmalang village community.
“We found two problems. These two problems are the lack of PKK Alasmalang Village productivity, and the high number of activity of (MCK) Bathing, washing and latrine in river which caused pollution ecosystem.” explained Dian.
In this activity, Dian became the head executive. He explained that in this activity, students could not completely prohibit the community from doing MCK activities in river, but by applying the use of Super Maling product, the river contamination could be reduced slightly because it was made from natural materials and also environmentally friendly.
“In addition, Supir Maling as an alternative for hand washing soap is expected to increase the productivity and economic income of PKK Alas Malang,” explained Dian.
Furthermore, the importance of creative economy awareness based on economic sustainability inspires the spirit of accounting students to serve the community. In this case, Gombengsari village community has great potential regarding its coffee production. However, the problem is production fund. Because their business is not properly run and recorded. Thus, financial inclusion is difficult to obtain.
“In this second paper, we discuss the importance of building a creative economy-based business that is environmentally friendly. In this case, coffee management in Gombengsari Village,” said Dian.
In the paper, Dian wrote with AA. Gde Satia Utama as the Head of Accounting Study Program, PSDKU UNAIR in Banyuwangi and Raka Gemilang, his fellow Accounting student. The program, formed cooperatives in Gombengsari Village.
“Hopefully, the cooperative can become a forum for management production as well as place in charge for Gombengsari coffee marketing business,” concluded Dian.
Author: Siti Mufaidah
Editor: Nuri Hermawan