UNAIR Vote Gathering, Focus on Involving Alumni for 500 World Class University

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Rector of UNAIR Prof. Nasih gave a presentation at Vote Gathering UNAIR in front of dozens alumni. (Photo: Agus Irwanto)

UNAIR NEWS – The role of alumni for uplift the name of university is really needed. In addition, alumni also greatly determine the role and quality of an institution. There is no exception for alumni to push Universitas Airlangga towards 500 world-class campuses.

Moreover, through Career and Entrepreneurship Development Center (PPKK) with Development and Planning Agency (BPP), UNAIR held a Vote Gathering event at UNAIR by inviting various alumni who have worked in various agencies. Taking place in AMERTA Campus C UNAIR Hall, the activity was held on Thursday, December 27.

Presented in front of dozens of alumni and ranks of leaders, UNAIR Rector Prof. Moh Nasih. In his remarks, Prof. Nasih said UNAIR Vote Gathering activity was a joint effort to involve alumni in building campus progress to occupy a position on the world.

“With a good position of our campus in the world, it will indirectly make a great quality of graduates who work in their fields.” he explained. “Because the benefits also for alumni and the wider community,” he added.

Adding a statement from Prof. Nasih, Vice Rector IV UNAIR Junaidi Khotib Ph.D., described various steps and roles of alumni to support UNAIR’s steps to become part of the world’s prestigious campus. According to him, the efforts that can be made by alumni is through employer reputation.

“This step can be done with Vote UNAIR,” he said.

Regarding the method for Vote UNAIR, Junaidi said that alumni must be responsive when getting emails from the QS World University Ranking. As a world ranking institution, he added, QS WUR will send a survey with various questions to alumni who have been selected by e-mail.

“So, please don’t ignore the incoming e-mail, especially if it’s from UNAIR or QS WUR. The survey was carried out by just filling in a few pages paper.” he explained. “It doesn’t take more than seven minutes and it will determine our reputation,” he added.

Before closing the presentation, Junaidi emphasized alumni’s role in advancing the university name through Vote UNAIR will have a tremendous impact in the future. In addition to determine UNAIR’s reputation, the quality of a good name will also determine the reputation of graduates who will be involved in their fields.

“Once again, with the participation of all alumni, the benefits can be felt by wider community,” he said.

Author: Nuri Hermawan

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