BEM FIB Holds Community Service in Jombang

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Winarsono, Head of Desa Cupak (Biru) and Yunaz Ali Akbar Karaman (Merah) Dialogue during Opening of Village and Village Partners (Deputra) BEM FIB UNAIR (Athallah Aksa Yudistira). (Photo: Courtesy)

UNAIR NEWS – In order to hold a farawell event, Student Executive Board (BEM) Faculty of Cultural Sciences (FIB) Universitas Airlangga (UNAIR) held a community service for a week in Cupak Village, Ngiksi District, Jombang Regency (December 17-24).

A week-long of community service called Desa dan Kampung Mitra (Deputra) is the main project (work program) on the first year of BEM FIB UNAIR in the form of empowering village communities.

“This activity is the initial breakthrough of our service, which will be used as an annual agenda with a focus on remote and developing regions such as Desa Cupak,” said Diza, head of program Deputra.

Community Service Program

While in Cupak Village, 45 committee conducted several community service programs in education fields, environment, and social. Some of the program; greeting residents, cheering children, teaching, washing hands and brushing teeth, planting trees, grilling corn, and cleaning the village.

For example washing hands and brushing teeth, the committee invited all of Cupak children to learn how to brush their teeth and wash their hands accompanied by fun singing session. The committee provided a memorable experience for children to actively brush their teeth and wash their hands before eating.

Then cheerful children’s activities, namely various interesting competitions such as maintaining the balance of the bottle on a string of straps, sticking a balloon on the head competition, and scrambling for a seat on a chair competition.

As a form of interaction between people, Deputra committee also held greetings for community to learn more about natural and social conditions in Cupak Village. Such as: Mount Pucangan, Dewi Kilisuci tomb, Sendang Widodaren and various plants that grow in there.

Moreover, grilling corn activity was to strengthen the relationship between committees and it held after closing ceremony. The activity was carried out in Cupak Village Hall with all materials used such as sweet corn, charcoal, brick toaster, and seasoning.

After all these activities are over, Diza hope that this activity could improve Cupak Village people welfare through community services that Deputra committee has done for a week, and it can be continued in the following years (*).

Author: Fariz Ilham Rosyidi

Editor: Nuri Hermawan

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