Ministry of Health Supports Development of Traditional Medical Product Services in UNAIR Hospital

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UNAIR NEWS – Wearing traditional Javanese clothing, Representative of Universitas Airlangga Hospital welcomed Ministry of Health Republic of Indonesia team and Public Health Service East Java on Wednesday, 19 December. The visitation was conducted on the framework of integrated traditional health services at Universitas Airlangga Hospital (RSUA).

In providing comprehensive health services of the community, RSUA continues to provide the latest innovations every year. Including, developing traditional medical products. Polyclinic of Traditional Medicine (Battra) was inaugurated on 30 October 2015 as one of services at UNAIR Hospital.

Since its opening, Polyclinic Battra UNAIR Hospital has provided traditional medicines, herbal medicine, acupuncture, cupping and facial massage. Polyclinic Battra collaborated with Traditional Medicine Study Program, Faculty of Vocational Studies UNAIR continues to conduct research, innovation and publications.

In their research, Battra worked with several faculties at UNAIR. Among them are Faculty of Medicine (FK), Faculty of Dentistry (FKG), Faculty of Veterinary Medicine (FKH), Faculty of Vocational Studies (FV), and Faculty of Science and Technology (FST).

Focusing on research, development, and education, makes RSUA as supporting factor for Polyclinic Battra’s development as one of the pioneers on traditional medicine in Indonesia for the future. Battra also collaborated with UNAIR business incubator start-up, Goolive as an effort to develop human resource services and empowerment at Polyclinic Traditional Medicine, RSUA.

On that occasion, Director of RSUA Prof. Dr. Nasronudin, Sp.PD said that several medicine works belong to UNAIR academics that were produced in collaboration with several large companies. For example, PT Asimas, PT Konimek, PT. Kalbefarma, PT. Indofarma, PUSVETMA, and Kimia Farma. Including with RSUD dr. SOETOMO. As an effort for traditional medicine branding, RSUA also involves all elements under its auspices, including patients.

Prof. Nasronudin added that human resource credibility by UNAIR would be one of marketing traditional medical products supporting factors in the midst of people who are still familiar with chemical drugs. He also hope that in the future, there will be recognition for these products brand to be aligned with Indonesian product

“Because, this traditional medicine is a product from Indonesia and belongs to Indonesia,” he said.

Meanwhile, representative from Ministry of Health Republic of Indonesia, Dr. Gita Swisari, MKM said that Ministry of Health would make an assessment to help implement the development of Polyclinic Battra in RSUA. “In the future, UNAIR Hospital is expected to be more proactive in becoming a hospital with an international governance strategy, but still adopting traditional governance,” he said.


Author: Wiwik Yuni Eryanti Ningrum

Editor: Ferri Fenoria

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