UNAIR NEWS – Despite the signing session between the PSDKU Universitas Airlangga in Banyuwangi and Tamansari village on the 64th UNAIR Anniversary celebration at Diponegoro-Banyuwangi stadium 18 November, UNAIR Banyuwangi students re-inaugurated village assisted on Tamansari village anniversary celebration Sunday, 16 December.
Explained by Nur Azizatul Ikrima, Head of Desa Mitra as well as Head of Social Affairs Department, KM PSDKU UNAIR Banyuwangi, the inauguration of assisted village was deliberately held twice. The first inauguration was carried out by PSDKU UNAIR Banyuwangi secretary, AA. Gde Agung Satria Utama, SE., M.Ak., CA. and Head of Tamansari village, Rizal Sahputra, SP. At that time, the inaguration was held for all of UNAIR community on the same month of UNAIR anniversary celebration event.
“The second inauguration was held directly in Tamansari village for their community to celebrate Tamansari village anniversary,” said Ikrima. Moreover, the event was to inagurate village assisted by PSDKU UNAIR Banyuwangi that established since 2018 and also to bring all of Tamansari village community closer.
Even though the relation between UNAIR and Tamansari village are fine, UNAIR still wanted to maintain what they had achieved, the trust of Tamansari village community.
Ikrima added that the community of Tamansari village familiar with UNAIR Banyuwangi academics. It’s all because of the frequent community service activities conducted in the village. In addition, Desa Mitra committee often visit Tamansari village.
“Village committee have a special team for analyzing problems and potential in Tamansari village, it consists several committee of student associations for each study program, especially from community affairs department. They went to Tamansari village often to collect data, discuss and analyze problems in there, “he added.
The second inauguration activity held in front of Tamansari village hall and attended by Head of KM PSDKU UNAIR Banyuwangi, Head of HIMA on each study program, and Head of Tamansari village. In addition, a demonstration activity was also held by students on how to consume vegetables and fruit for healthy life style.
“We choosed the demo about consuming vegetables and fruit because we found a problem that their clean and healthy living behavior (PHBS) is still low and one of the indicators is nutritious food. So from there, we held a demo.” he explained.
Even though the second inauguration ceremony looked simple, the most important thing was students could get closer with Tamansari village community to build a good partnership.
“I hoped that the relationship between UNAIR and Tamansari village will always be good, and hopefully Sosmas KM 2019 will be able to innovate more creatively for Tamansari village, especially in implementing the four study program in PSDKU UNAIR Banyuwangi,” he concluded. (*)
Author: Bastian Ragas
Editor: Binti Q. Masruroh