UNAIR NEWS – After one year carrying out mandate of student association, PSDKU Universitas Airlangga in Banyuwangi period 2018 closed its management by holding charity work. The event was held on Saturday, 8 at Ar-Raihan orphanage, Karangrejo, Banyuwangi.
Head of community department HMBP, Indra Wicaksono said the social service was deliberately done in the end of 2018 period management. Every Friday, community service department (HMBP) held donation gathering in FPK classes (faculty of fisheries and marine affairs). Then, the donation funds are donated if there are any natural disasters in Banyuwangi district.
“For the past few months it has not been channeled for those who need it the most, and finally we chose this social service to donate all of the funds that we had,” Indra said.
Besides, the community service department also received some stuff from FPK student.
The social service activities aimed at developing social attitudes, caring, and sensitivity of FPK citizens towards fellow human beings were carried out not far from the campus environment and it received a good response from Ar-Raihan orphanage.
“Alhamdulillah, thankyou for all of UNAIR student because they helped us with this donation,” said Ustadz Agus as the person in charge of Ar-Raihan orphanage.
Ustad Agus also hoped that after the event, the relationship will remain strong between Ar-Raihan orphanage and PSDKU, FPK UNAIR. In fact, the orphanage wanted to work together with FPK UNAIR PSDKU to treat and utilize the fish ponds in there, because so far the fish ponds are not optimally used.
“Actually, from FPK student intended to work together with Ar-Raihan orphanage. There was one project from Students’ Creativity Program of Entrepreneurship (PKM) in FPK and took Ar-Raihan orphanage to conduct the activity, but we stiil have not had the opportunity, Insyallah, we will continue it in the future,” said Adi Firman Hidayatullah, department staff in response to Ustadz Agus.
Meanwhile, Head of HMBPM. Ilham Riskyan hoped this kind of social activities would continue to be carried out in the new period of HMBP management.
“Hopefully, God will accept all of our good intention “he concluded. (*)
Author: Bastian Ragas
Editor: Binti Q. Masruroh