IKA UA GRESIK Gives Tips on Maintaning Reproductive Organ’s Hygine for Teenagers

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PHOTO of Dr. Lestari Sudaryanti, dr., M.Kes., while explaining the material to MTs Tarbiyatul Wathon student. (Photo: Courtesy)

UNAIR NEWS – Maintaining environment and personal hygine are essential to build healthy life style. The lack of environment and personal hygine can causes the growth of germs and various diseases in human body. Especially in reproductive organs, both for male and female.

Dr. Lestari Sudaryanti, dr., M. Kes., as one of lecturer in  D3 Nursing Faculty of Vocational Studies, Universitas Airlangga gave tips on how to maintaining reproductive organ. Especially for teenagers.

All of the tips were conveyed by Dr. Lestari in community service activities that focused on providing health knowledge to MTs (Madrasah Tsanawiyah) Tarbiyatul Wathon’s student, Campurejo Panceng Gresik. This community service was held by Universitas Airlangga Alumni Association (IKA UA) Gresik on 22 November 2018.

In maintaining female reproductive organs hygine, here are some tips: First, take a bath at least twice a day with clean water and soap. Second, wash the reproductive organs after urinating from front to back. Third, drink more water and consume foods that contains iron during menstruation. And, fourth is exercise regularly.

Meanwhile, Dr. Lestari said for male reproductive organs hygine, they have to take a bath twice a day using clean water and soap. Second, change clothes at least twice a day. Third, wash reproductive organs after urinating. Third, exercise regularly and drink more water and last, try to avoid wearing tight underwear.

Dr. Lestari added that personal reproductive organs hygine should always be maintained by teenagers. Thus, it can reduce negative things or minimize potential disease for them.

In addition, Dr. Lestari said that awareness in maintaining reproductive health was expected to reduce the potential  of negative actions. For example, using drugs and having sex before marriage. Especially, preventing HIV / AIDS transmission. (*)


Writer: Feri Fenoria Rifa’i

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