UNAIR Discusses Student Management with UPN Jakarta

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Benchmarking session, UPN Jakarta and UNAIR
From the left, Vice Rector III UPN Veteren Jakarta Dr. Ir. Halim Mahfud, M.Sc.; Vice Rector I UNAIR Prof. Djoko Santoso, dr., Ph.D., K-GH., FINASIM.; and Director of Student Affairs Dr. M. Hadi Shubhan., S.H., M.H., CN., in a sharing or benchmarking session on Thursday, December 6 at Management Office Building. (Photo: Feri Fenoria)

UNAIR NEWS – As one of the best universities in Indonesia, Universitas Airlangga continues to improve the quality of education through excellent management. For three consecutive years, UNAIR receives excellent category with 700 points in Malcolm Baldrige on management and institutional governance.

Therefore, other universities often hold management sharing session with UNAIR. One of them was carried out by National Development University (UPN) Veteran Jakarta on Thursday in 3rd Floor Assembly Room C, Management Office Building, Campus C.

UNAIR Vice Rector I Prof. Djoko Santoso, dr., Ph.D., K-GH., FINASIM., attended and opened the discussion. In the benchmarking event, there were officials from the Directorate of Student Affairs, Center for Information and Public Relations (PIH), Integrated Development and Training Institute (LPPT), and Center for Learning and Certification Innovation (PIPS).

Director of Student Affairs Dr. M. Hadi Shubhan., SH, MH, CN.,in his opening remarks said that Student Affairs has four fields of work, Ormawa (student organization); interest, talent, and achievement; reasoning; and student welfare.

“The welfare of these students is related to access on scholarship information and management of student health insurance. There are also division that focuses on PKM (Student Creativity Week, ed), “he said.

Dr. M. Hadi added, the discussion was not in the context of patronizing one another. It was a sharing session and an effort to learn and discuss the management together especially on how to achieve international management accreditation.

In response to Dr. Hadi’s statement, Prof. Djoko welcomed the discussion positively. According to him, efforts to realize campus governance must be encouraged by all parties, both by public and private universities, either old or new.

It has been one of the joint efforts of higher education to realize Indonesia’s progress, especially through the education facilities with good, efficient and effective governance.

“UNAIR as one of the old universities will continue to strive and make better achievements. The latest, UNAIR was awarded excellent category for three times with a value above 700 from Malcolm Badlrige,” he said.

“Such achievement will be continuously encouraged by UNAIR especially to realize the target in 2020 to achieve Top 500 World Class University, “he added.

Meanwhile, Vice Rector III UPN Veteren Jakarta Dr. Ir. Halim Mahfud, M.Sc., on behalf of the team said that the purpose of the benchmarking event was to improve the quality of student affairs and partnerships, especially to learn from UNAIR on the management of students, public relations, and university collaboration.

“Moreover, it is also intended to know more in depth about the management of student activities at Universitas Airlangga as well as the infrastructure needed to support the activities of student organizations so they can make achievements,” he said.

Besides on management of student affairs, the management of the public relations was also presented by Pulung Siswantara S.KM, M.KM as the coordinator of protocols and public service PIH UNAIR. In managing the PKM proposals, Dr. Eduardus Bimo AH, Drh., M.Kes., as PIPS UNAIR secretary, also gave a presentation while Head of LPPT UNAIR Drs. Eko Supeno, M.Si., explained about the management of partnerships in UNAIR. (*)


Author: Feri Fenoria Rifa’i


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