Through Struggle for Scopus Journal, Yeni Becomes S3 FST Best Graduate

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FST best graduate Yeni
Yeni appointed best graduate of S3 Faculty of Science and Technology (FST) Universitas Airlangga with a GPA of 3.87. (Photo illustration: Feri Fenoria Rifa'i)

UNAIR NEWS – Difficulties in managing time between family and S3 study did not discourage Yeni Kustiyahningsih. It was proven by Yeni who was awarded best doctoral graduate of Faculty of Science and Technology (FST) Universitas Airlangga with GPA 3.87.

For her final assignment, the student born in Sidoarjo, September 21, 1977 studied “Multi Criteria Group Decision Making Model with Adaptive Interval of Fuzzy Values ​​for Recommended E-Learning Systems. In the dissertation he discussed the creation of a multi-criteria group decision making model framework with the concept of adaptive interval value fuzzy and constructing a hybrid model of the Adaptive Interval Value Fuzzy Analytic Hierarchy Process (AIVFAHP) with Adaptive Interval Value Fuzzy Technique for Order Preference of Similarity Ideal Solution (AIVFTOPSIS ) Also implementing a decision model for measuring and recommending e-learning systems .

“My research / dissertation article was accepted in a reputable journal and indexed by Scopus,” she said.

Yeni said, it is not easy for the dissertation to be accepted in a reputable and indexed journal by Scopus. She had difficulty to choose the topic and title of the dissertation. Plus, access to paid international journals is very limited so the information obtained is not optimal.

“The incomplete information about journals indexed by Scopus, predatory journals and random journals also makes it difficult for me to submit a journal,” she added.

However, many obstacles faced did not make Yeni gave up. In principle, do not put off the task of lecturers and make plan what to do ahead. Also, never forget to pray and always try. As a result, his dissertation was accepted in a reputable journal indexed by Scopus.

“Read the journals as many as possible and immediately submit the paper if the proposal has been made,” she added.

In the future, besides serving as a lecturer at Trunojoyo Madura University, Yeni planned to develop the S3 research field by writing a lot of publications both nationally and internationally. In addition, she will also develop S3 research tailored to the needs and local wisdom in Madura. (*)

Author: M. Najib Rahman

Editor: Binti Q. Masruroh


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