Winning a Competition and Three Awards In A Row, Nina Becomes FH Outstanding Graduate

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Nina Farah Adela became an outstanding graduate Faculty of Law. (Photo: Ferry Fenoria Rifai)

UNAIR NEWS – This time, Nina Farah Adela became one of outstanding graduates list. The best bachelor’s degree (FH) alumnae from University has made many achievements during her time on college.

Among others, she won first place in Djokosoetono IX Cup Moot National Moot Court Competition at Faculty of Law, Universitas Indonesia on December 2016. On the same occasion, Nina won three best awards as the best court council, the best public prosecutors, and the best legal advisors. The quasi-judicial competition was attended by several teams consisting of 20 people from each university throughout Indonesia.

Previously, on April 2016, Nina also won third place in Story Telling on 20th ALSA National English Language Competition at Faculty of Law, Universitas Indonesia.

Besides studying in college, Nina also followed some activities around campus like being a member of Moot Court Division and member of External Division in Moot Court Community (FH UNAIR KPS), Vice of Officer of Information, Communication and Technology International Law Student Association (ILSA FH UNAIR), and Students’ Mountaineering Club (PATAKA FH UNAIR).

“Besides of campus activities, I attended several international seminars or conferences. “In June 2015, I had the opportunity to become one of Indonesian delegates at Japan University English Model United Nations Conference at Kindai University, Osaka, Japan,” said the girl from Sidoarjo.

Morover, from January to February 2018 Nina and her colleagues participated in internship program at Ministry of Law and Human Rights in Directorate General of Human Rights.

After completing her study, she want to join Advocate Professional Education (PKPA) and continuing her study on Masters degre and concetrate in International Law then work in a law firm. (*)

Author: Zana Afia Deswari

Editor: Binti Q. Masruroh

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