Ika, Best Graduate of Master Degree FKH with GPA 4,00

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Ika Anes Ajiardiana became the best graduate of Faculty of Veterinary Medicine (FKH) UNAIR with perfect cumulative grade index 4,00. (Photo illustration: Ferry Fenoria Rifai)

UNAIR NEWS – Her thesis research on “Business Analysis on the Effect of Meniran Extract (Phyllanthus niruni Linn) as Substitute of Growth Promoter Antibiotics (AGP) on APEC Infected Chickens (Avian Pathogenic Escherichia coli) led her to perfect cumulative grade index 4,00.

The graduate who was born in Malang, 30 October 1991, discussed the effect in adding meniran extract (Phyllanthus niruni Linn) as a substitute for Antibiotic Growth Promoter (AGP) in feeds for analyzing the business of infected and uninfected chicken with Escherichia coli.

There were three reasons why she choose this topic; first, she hoped this research can replace AGP (Antibiotic Growth Promoter) that has been banned by the government. Because, it raises drug residues in livestock, human health problems, the emergence of resistance to pathogenic microbes, and not environmentally friendly.

Second, to find out how many dose of meniran extract given as a substitute for AGP in infected chicken feed and those uninfected with Escherichia coli bacteria. And the third, to determine the magnitude of advantages and disadvantages of infected layer chicken farms and those not infected with Escherichia coli bacteria by adding extract meniran on the feed.

“Usually laying hens infected with Escherichia coli bacteria can produce eggs optimally after being given by meniran extract to their feed with a concentration of 30 percent and it does not cause harm to the farm,” she explained.

The girl who had worked at Animal Husbandry Department, Denpasar even published her research in international journals entitled Effect of Meniran Extract (Phyllanthus Niruni Linn) to Alternate Antibiotic Growth Promoter (AGP) on Egg Quality and Economic Analysis of Layer that Infected By Eschericia Coli.

Ika wanted to start something small. For example, she aspire to make a livestock business for the community in her village.

“I have a strong desire to make chicken or cattle farms to empower rural communities. I want to change community mindset, especially in terms of work ethic in animal husbandry field, “she concluded. (*)

Author: Fariz Ilham Rosyidi

Editor: Ferry Fenoria Rifai

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