Active in Debate Competition since High School, Novitasari Becomes FEB Best Graduate

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Novitasari became the best bachelor graduate in Faculty of Economics and Business (FEB) (Photo Illustration: Ferry Fenoria Rifai)

UNAIR NEWS – Novitasari’s passion in learning Islamic economy has emerged since she was in high school. No wonder, she achieved a dozen achievements during her time on college. Most of them were scientific writing project and economic debates. Besides, she successfully graduated with a GPA of 3.7 and earned Cum Laude predicate then she became the best graduate in Faculty of Economics and Business (FEB).

“I went to college, joined student organizations, and worked part time job,” explained the girl who was born in Surabaya, November 9, 1995.

According to her, the most memorable experience was when she won second place in Debate Competition in Indonesian Ministry of Defense on 2012. In addition, she won first place in essay writing, Smada Muslim Competition.

Novita admitted that by participating in debate competition, she gained new insights and learned to be wiser to face anything.

SMA 5 Surabaya alumnae admitted that she did not have significant obstacles during her time on college. One of the struggles that she faced was how to divide her time between college and her activities.

In fact, not everyone can be the best graduate and received several achievements. Regarding to this, Novita advised that students can take advantage during their time on college.

“Be active, make connection with people and join several activities because everything will be useful in the future, God willing,” said the girl who joined International Student Exchange at Universiti Malaya on February-June 2018

“Studying in UNAIR was great. A lot of smart people around here, thus I can learn and gain insight from them. In the end, this helped me to improve my skills. All of the lecturer in here are nice. Over all, the enviroment is adequate  “he explained. (*)

Author: Binti Q. Masruroh

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