UNAIR NEWS – Azrohal Hasan, alumnus of historical study of Faculty Humanities (FIB) Universitas Airlangga, who is a member of KAPPIJA-21 (Alumni Association of the Indonesia Japan Friendship 21st Century Program) became one of the representative presenters for Indonesia at 24th ASEAN-JAPAN Regional event Leader Forum 2018. The annual AJAFA-21 event was held on Friday-Sunday, (30 November- 2 December) at Angkor Century Hotel Siem Reap, Cambodia.
The Regional Leaders Forum 2018 was opened directly by Deputy Governor of Siem Reap, President of JICA (Japan International Corporation Agency) of Cambodia, and General Secretary of AJAFA-21 (ASEAN Japan Friendship Association for the 21st Century).
Azrohal said that the event was filled with presentation of all members from ASEAN countries except Singapore, Brunei Darussalam and Timor Leste who were unable to attend the forum. Then, the event continued with a forum for exchanging ideas between ASEAN countries with the theme of “Green Tourism”.
In his presentation, Azrohal said that “Green Tourism” in Indonesia had not been maximized. Some Indonesian tourist destinations are still not well maintained. A lot of tourism place that still need to be improved such as landfills facility on each area.
“Public awareness to maintain tourism environment is still lacking in here ” he added.
Azrohal said that almost all countries in ASEAN facing a few simillar problem. Including Cambodia as the host place for this event. At “Angkor Wat complex”, there was still a few of plastic waste all over the place. In some of Angkor Wat’s tourist attractions, landfills are still inadequate.
The event which was carried out on the collaboration of AJAFA-21 and JICA aimed for campaigning a movement about Green Tourism in ASEAN countries. It is also Japan’s dream to succeed on 17 Sustainable development Goals (SDGs).
“The alumni of the Indonesia-Japan friendship program are expected to bring this mission to their respective countries,” he continued.
The event was followed by a heritage tour to various museums in Cambodia which was held for several days. One of the destination for this heritage tour was Angkor Wat, an ancient heritage of Cambodia under the rule of King Khmer.
Cambodia has many similarities in stupas and statues with temples in Indonesia. For instance, Buddhist stupa in Angkor Wat has the same style like in Borobudur temple. Likewise, the main temple of Angkor Wat, a Hindu heritage is simillar with Prambanan Temple.
The event ended with cultural performances from each representative country. Including Indonesia which performed Sajojo dance from Maluku. Then it was followed by a brief remarks from Indonesian representative participants and an invitation for all attendees to come to next year Regional Leaders Forum 2019 in Bali.
“Next year, Indonesia will be the host place for Regional Leaders Forum. “KAPPIJA-21 will start to prepare everything,” he concluded. (*)
Author: M. Najib Rahman
Editor: Fenoria Ferry