Developing Her Potential in Australia, Nur Becomes FISIP Best Graduate

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Nur Qomariyah is an outstanding graduate of FISIP UNAIR. (Illustration Photo: Ferry Fenoria Rifai)

UNAIR NEWS – Nur Qomariyah or familiarly called Nur, a student of political science successfully graduated with GPA 3,83 and SKP 712. In addition to that, Nur also participated in several activities to develop her potential.

Some of her experience were active in cross-campus forums or organizations such as FPCI (Foreign Policy Community of Indonesia), participated in several projects, and volunteering project.

“I joined few project to improve my soft skills, time management, and networking,” she said.

There were a lot of achievements that Nur has gained during her time in college. Among other things, she won in second place for Padjadjaran Social and Political Days by Unpad and MPR-RI (2015), won in second place for National Governance Days in Bandung (2016), and was chosen as second place winner for outstanding FISIP students on the same year.

She admitted that her biggest accomplishment was when Nur had the opportunity to do her internship for 3 months at Indonesian Presidential Staff Office in managing complaints and aspirations via online.

In addition, he has also been a teaching assistant for political science lecturer and a research assistant for doctoral students in Australia.

“This experience has become a spirit of enthusiasm in conducting research that I have done at the National University of Singapore and when I was a delegate for the International Outreach Program at Universiti Teknologi MARA, Malaysia,” explained Nur.

Not only that, in 2016 Nur became Facilitator of Urban Youth Meeting for United Nations Habitat III and Project Assistant World Vision Indonesia Urban Surabaya in Child-Friendly Resilient Project Partner with UNICEF. In 2017 she became Assistant Doctoral Research in Griffith University Australia, Research and Teaching Assistant Department of Politics UNAIR, and also became an Intern Participation Analyst in Executive Office of the President Indonesia in 2018. (*)

Author: Galuh Mega Kurnia

Editor: Binti Q. Masruroh

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