Applying Knowledge through Startup, Eka Becomes Best Graduate in FST S1

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Eka start up unair
Kretawiweka Nuraga Sani or Eka as the best S1 FST graduates in December 2018. (Photo Illustration: Feri Fenoria Rifai)

UNAIR NEWS – Kretawiweka Nuraga Sani or Eka started developing a startup since he was in the fifth semester of college. Some of the startups create products from their knowledge they get from Information system program. Not only has qualified skills, in the academic field Eka successfully completes his studies with a cumlaude GPA  3.56.

Since fifth semester, with her friends, Eka has developed startups including Hai UNAIR and . Hai UNAIR focused on application development set events in UNAIR. Meanwhile, is a startup that provides online registration services to online exams .

In academic realm, anxiety about hoaxes sprung up in Indonesia has made Eka innovate to create a system for detecting the accuracy of news. Through this innovation, Eka created a news detection system, whether the news was factual or hoax. Of course, the system has been given an algorithm and the data training process has been carried out.

“I want to help a little to solve the problem of hoax circulation with the knowledge that I have,” explained Eka who wrote the thesis entitled “Indonesian News Hoax Detection System Using the Naive Bayes Algorithm”.

Eka is currently working as a Frontend Developer in Kitabisa . com . He has a dream to be able to continue his Master studies later.

“I want to make my own startup product . But for now I still need more knowledge, ” he explained.

Eka said, there were no significant obstacles in completing lectures. “Maybe it’s more to managing time in the sixth semester, between studying and working at the startup business,” Eka explained. He felt really busy  when he was in the 6th semester, preparing for National Student Scientific Week (PIMNAS).

“For college, don’t just go to lectures, explore your potential. Don’t let our potentials unexplored until we graduate,” Eka explained. (*)

Author: Binti Q. Masruroh


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