Juara Debat Hingga Desain Logo ASEAN+3 Unet, Wisnu Jadi Wisudawan Berprestasi

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Adi Wisnu Nugroho donobatkan sebagai wisudawan berprestasi Fakultas Ekonomi dan Bisnis periode Desember 2018. (Ilustrasi Foto: Feri Fenoria Rifai)

“Saya pernah juara I debat bahasa Inggris pada Pekan Ilmiah Mahasiswa Fakultas Ekonomi dan Bisnis (FEB) tahun 2016 dan memenangkan ASEAN+3 University Network (ASEAN+3 UNet) Logo Competition,” tutur Adi Wisnu Nugroho dengan bangga.

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BSO MYMA Wins Three Times in 1 Week

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Members of Semi-Autonomous Body (BSO) of Airlangga Young Jurist Society (MYMA) won 1st place and Best Speaker by Dina Mariana in Marvelaw UNNES Competition. (Private Doc.)

Airlangga University (UNAIR) Faculty of Law (FH) students once again made the campus famous. The members of the Semi-Autonomous Body (BSO) of Airlangga Young Jurist Society  (MYMA) managed to make another national achievement in debate competition.

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UNAIR Tegakkan Donasi Saham di Lingkungan Kampus

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SUASANA Seminar”Yuk Donasi Saham” yang digelar mahasiswa Magister Manajemen UNAIR kelas MM-50A sebagai upaya memajukan Pasar Modal Indonesia serta mengenalkan Pusat Pengendalian Dana Sosial (PUSPAS) Universitas Airlangga kepada mahasiswa dan alumni pada Rabu (28/11) di Aula Fadjar Notonegoro, Lantai 3, Fakultas Ekonomi dan Bisnis, Kampus B UNAIR. (Foto: Istimewa)

UNAIR NEWS – Berbicara mengenai investasi, Kini pasar modal hadir di Indonesia sebagai salah satu alternatif wadah berinvestasi bagi masyarakat Indonesia. Namun, masih terdapat beberapa hal yang menghambat masyarakat Indonesia…

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Graduated from Master’s Degree in 14 Months, Ella Becomes FST Best Graduate

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Suhailah Hayaza is the best graduate of Faculty of Science and Technology Master’s degree in the period December 2018. (Illustration: Feri Fenoria Rifai)

Suhailah Hayaza or Ella managed to get a Master’s Towards Doctorate for Superior Bachelor (PMDSU) scholarship from the Higher Education ministry. With the scholarship, Ella is required to complete her Masters within 1.5 to 2 years.

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