FST Sends 8 Delegates to Chung Yuan Christian University

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UNAIR NEWS – Faculty of Science and Technology (FST)  Universitas Airlangga sent eight students from environmental engineering majors for exchange to Taiwan. Located at Chung Yuan Christian University (CYCU), they will explore all the course in there for more than 2 months.

The eight students were Isni Arliyani, Cladia Deborah Pretty Matondang, Ida Ayu Indira Dwikasari, Lyndi Monicawati Siswanto Putri, Alifia Rizqi Ananta, Mohammaf Syaifuddin, Lintang Tubagas Rahmatullah, and Hilmi Putra Pradana. This was the first time for FST sent their delegates to Taiwan.

Before departure, Dr. Hartati, Dra., M.Si., gave a message to eight delegates on Tuesday, 20 November. She hoped that all of the delegates can be the pioneers for their junior and continuing their step in following next year.

“You are the pioneers in CYCU. You should make a good impression on students and professors in there “said Hartati

There were three FST lecturers participated in Taiwan exchange program. Dr. Hartati, Dra., M.Si., as Vice Dean I FST; Dr. Eko Prasetyo Kuncoro, S.T., DEA., as Coordinator of Environmental Engineering and Dr. Nurina Fitriani, S.T., as lecturer of Environmental Engineering and student assistant lecturer for departure preparation. Moreover, the lecturers also visited several universities in Taiwan to work together.

While they were in there, eight students consisting of three senior students and two of junior students conducted several activities in laboratory and others. Especially, to improve understanding of environment and self-development in psychology and science.

In laboratory activities, there were four professors who will guide the delegates. They are Professor Jheng-Jie Jiang; Professor Sheng-Jie You; Professor Yan-Fen Wang; and Professor Jr Lin-Lin. The professors will guide several students according to their interests or thesis project to conduct research based on their backgrounds.

“We are divided into three research topics with a target of output paper.” There were 3 students who examined adsorption, 4 students about photocatalysts, and also about water treatment coagulation,” said Lintang.

Hartati hoped after they finished this exchange program, they will gain additional experience in research and campus life at CYCU. Therefore, Hartati said that everyone should have a good experience while they were in Taiwan.

“Thus, all of delegates will be agent of change for all of UNAIR student after they finished exchange program in Taiwan,” said Hartati. (*)


Author: Hilmi Putra Pradana

Editor: Feri Fenoria

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