Faculty of Nursing Encourages Entrepreneurship to Students

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UNAIR NEWS – Along with the dynamic development of technology and business world, students are required to be more active and adaptive to the times. For this reason, to fulfill the assignment of entrepreneurship course, Nursing Masters students of class 10 Universitas Airlangga held a product and service bazaar on Monday, December 3.

The bazaar themed “Project Based Learning Entrepreneurship” was enlivened by students and faculty lecturers of nursing. The bazaar festivity took place in the yard of Faculty of Nursing Universitas Airlangga, Campus C.

Head of Nursing master’s program also inspected the products produced by students. Among these products are NerShirt, GaLau Tes, Grenma, Detox RenQ, E-Ganci, and Gisela. This entrepreneurship bazaar was also attended by the Head of the master’s program Dr. Tintin Sukartini., Skp. M.Kes, program secretary, Dr. Retno Indarwati., S. Kep. Ns., M.Kep, and from maternity department Dr. Mira Triharini., S.Kp., M.Kep.

Jumain, as the Head of the entrepreneurship committee, said that this activity was a development of entrepreneurial innovation to improve studens’ economy. Being an entrepreneur does not only require large capital but rather a strong and consistent willingness to see opportunities.

“We hope that with this activity, students will not only have activities in their workplace but also entrepreneurship in offering health services or processed health products that can benefit the wider community, “Jumain explained.

Furthermore, Jumain said, students must build a mindset by balancing the two.

Dr. Retno Indarwati., S. Kep. Ns., M. Kep ​​as lecturer and head of the program opened the entrepreneurship exhibition. She said, nurses must have an entrepreneurial spirits.

One of the student booths offers skin mask products visited by lecturers. (Photo: Khefti Al Mawalia)

“Entrepreneurs are not only those who sell products, but also those who offer services of treatments. For example for elderly people, “she said.

The enthusiasm of students to take part in this activity was great. It can be seen from the number of students who visited several booths as well as consulted and tried several services and products. They tried cupping treatments, checking blood sugar, mask, and foot detox. Furthermore, this event was enlivened by the acoustic performance of students to enliven the atmosphere. (*)

Author: Khefti Al Mawalia

Editor: Binti Q. Masruroh


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