UNAIR Lecturers Introduce Anthropology in International School

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Prof. Myrta
Prof. Myrta was invited to teach in an international school, Surabaya European School. She delivered biological anthropology material which led to forensic anthropology. (Private Doc.)

UNAIR NEWS – Being a lecturer apparently does not necessarily make one of UNAIR Anthropology lecturers only focused on learning activities on campus with students. Prof. Dra. Myrtati Dyah Artaria, MA., Ph.D, UNAIR anthropology lecturer and professor who known to be friendly and likes to share knowledge with anyone.

Therefore, she was asked to be teacher guests in schools often. Starting from teaching in kindergarten, elementary school, and junior high school. Her loves for science, encouraged her to share knowledge. She never refused any teaching offer as long she have time for it.

“Teaching is fun. It means, we can provide knowledge to children and adult. This teaching activity can help a lot of people to start teaching young generation with their knowledge ” she explained.

Recently, Prof. Myrta was invited to teach in international school, Surabaya European School. At that time, Prof. Myrta delivered some material about biological anthropolgy that leads to forensic anthropology.

“All of the students listen to their teacher. Some of them even asked an extraordinary questions. Middle school kids are very creative, they are critical. They are really interested on this subject, since it is still rare learning about anthropology in Indonesia, ” she said.

Prof. Myrta said that she needs to use a simple words in explaining part of human body, and avoid to use unfamiliar terms. She also often brings some property to make it easier for children to understand.

“Once, I brought a replica of human skull and they were not afraid of it. I told them about all part of human skull and then I tried to explain by pointing the display ” she explained.

Prof. Myrta explains about human skulls and forensic anthropology. (Private Doc.)

The importance of anthropology

Introducing anthropology at young age seems very important. Through anthropology, children will learn diversity in the form of physically and culturally. Learning diversity since at young age will instill a sense of tolerance for the differences that each human being has.

“Well, if we taught them about it, then it will reduce bullying behavior. So, they will be wiser when they grow up and facing different type of people “said Doctoral alumnus of Adelaide University.

In the future, she want to encourage students to teach the kids.

“So far students only learn in class. It will be better if this activity included in PKL, KKN. Thus, student are not only collecting data, analyzing and making a report but they will also have experience on teaching kids ” concluded Prof. Myrta. (*)

Author: Zanna Afia Deswari

Editor: Binti Q. Masruroh

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