Urban Care and Brunei Students Hold 2.0 Cultural Exchange Festival

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Cultural Exchange Festival UNAIR
Nur Afiqah Binti Hj. Mamit (left) and Yunaz Ali Akbar Karaman (center) were presenting information about Indonesia and Brunei cultures on Cultural Exchange 2.0 events (Photo: Aziz UBD Students)

UNAIR NEWS – To strengthen relations between Indonesia and Brunei Darussalam, Urban Care Community together with Community Outreach Program Universiti Brunei Darussalam (UBD) along with community networks in Surabaya held Cultural Exchange Festival 2.0 activities at Siti Parwati Hall, Faculty of Humanities on Sunday, 4 November. It was themed One Cultural Cluster. The  concept was art and culture. Yunaz Ali Akbar Karaman, Head of BEM FIB 2018 and Nur Afiqah Binti Hj. Mamit, representative of the Universiti Brunei Darussalam (UBD) Student were the speakers in this event.

“Both of them are cultural activists that represent these two countries,” said Erin Sebtiarini as the head of this event.

She also said that the purpose of this activity was to provide cultural knowledge of Indonesia and Brunei to young people, so they care about cultural preservation.

“We can share with our neighbouring country, it’s like sharing information about our culture to them. So we worked with (fostered children, ed) Teaching Student Community and Kampung Dolanan as their community services (UBD students, ed),” explained Erin.

There were also Dikir Putri dance performance from Brunei by UBD students followed byseveral children from SD Muhammadiyah 9 Surabaya and participants.

Erin hoped that this activity will encourage more young people to always remember their culture and spread it with their own passion.

“Like Yunaz who is engaged in literacy field, he can give motivation to his friends to actively participate in preserving culture through books, stories, and trips (bike trips, ed),” said the FK midwifery alumna.

Erin emphasized the biggest output of this activity was to preserve Indonesian culture in Industrial Revolution era 4.0. In the future, Indonesia should mantain its culture and have special characteristics by not losing its identity.

At the end of this talkshow, Yunaz said to all participants that Indonesia’s future will be bright because there are still a lot of young people who always remember their culture..

“We all can see that all of fostered children in Kampung Dolanan, urban care, and students gather to learn Indonesia and Brunei culture,” he concluded at the end this event. (*)

Author: Fariz Ilham Rosyidi

Editor: Binti Q. Masruroh

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