UNAIR Nursing Master Program Batch 11 Teaches Residents to Plant Toga Family Medicinal Plants

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Community Service activities conducted by UNAIR Nursing Masters students. (Photo: Doc. Committee)

UNAIR NEWS – Community service has become a way in applying academic knowledge in daily life. The college activities which are identical with  learning and research, in Nursing Master’s Program  in Universitas Airlangga are not only focused on activities around campus. However, there is also another things to do, which was held in Desa of Soso, Mojokerto last week in a form of community service.

“On the same day with Sumpah Pemuda momentum , Batch 11  of  Nursing Master program’s event has clear vision and output to improve economic and health status of Soso Village community in particular,” said Ainul Mufidah S. Kep., Ns as the chief executive of community service.

This public community service activities was held by Nursing’s Masters Batch 11 (M11), and it was themed “Let’s Eradicate Poverty Together” which was guided directly by Dr. Tintin Sukartini, S.Kp., M.Kes. Followed by 100 residents, the events were opened by the Vice Dean I of Faculty of Nursing, Universitas Airlangga Dr. Kusnanto, S.Kp., M.Kes., and broadly it is  divided into four stages. It starts with a counseling and simulation of effective coughing procedures and proper hand washing, aimed at preventing transmission of disease and also one of the important keys in a clean & healthy program. It was enthusiastically attended by residents.

After that, there was a presentation on the perks of consuming family medicinal plants for health as well as toga plants distribution to the residents such as lemongrass and red ginger, binahong, Gynura procumbens (sambung nyowo), then the event continued with a health examination such as: checking blood pressure, diabetes, uric acid and health counseling then continued with clothing distribution packages also toga plants for each person which was welcomed by residents.

“Thank you for all of nursing students who have provided us with information, health checks program and toga plants that we can use as medicine for families in the village, we hope that the program can be held regularly,” said Supartini, a resident of Desa Soso.

Author:  Nursing Master Community Service Team

Editor: Nuri Hermawan

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