FIB Students Teach Javanese Language to Karang Menjangan Children

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Deputra committee taught Karang Menjangan children nembang Jawa children (Photo: Arien)

UNAIR NEWS – Javanese languange is one of the results of our indigenous culture that deserves to be studied. Unfortunately, as time went by, Javanese languange is increasingly abandoned. In fact, a lot of young people are more interested in learning foreign languages such as Korean and Thai instead of Javanese languange which is a product of local culture.

Therefore, Faculty of Humanities students Universitas Airlangga who  are also the members of Desa dan Kampung Mitra (Deputra) held community service at RT 1 RW 7 Karang Menjangan, on Sunday,4 November.

This community service event involved Deputra committee, RT 1 staff, Karang Taruna RT 1, and there were 25 children.

“This community service was held because nowadays Javanese children started to forget the language itself. Thus , Deputra committee wants to reintroduced Javanese culture to them,” said Intan Fitri Hilza as head of community service committee.

In this event, the importance of using Javanese language in daily life was conveyed. Because, Javanese language has styles or registers of language that if you used that, there are more polite styles in the language. In addition, there were also some several activities like singing Javanese songs such as Gundul-gundul Pacul, Padang Bulan, and Kodok Ngorek. As well as, traditional Javanese games, called Cublak-Cublak Suweng.

To lighten up this event, all of children were given balloons by commitee. “After we gave them balloon, they were excited to take part in Javanese language learning activities,” said Intan.

Meanwhile, Wiji as the head of RT hoped that the children will love their culture more. Last but not least, he also hoped that they will always remember their own identity as Javanese descent.

“The program was great. Thus, children can be taught to use Javanese languange because they usually speaks in Indonesia languange. For instance using javanese languange for counting like Siji, Loro, Telu, Papat, Limo, Enem is enough for them to learn for now, “said Wiji. (*)

Author: Fariz Ilham Rosyidi

Editor: Binti Q. Masruroh

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