FPK Banyuwangi Improves Quality of PKM with BBM-KTI

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A presentation by one of FPK lecturers Darmawan Setia Budi, S.Pi., M.Si. (Photo: By courtesy)

UNAIR NEWS – After in 2017 successfully sent a team to Pimnas Makassar and in 2018 five PKM titles were successfully funded, Faculty of Fisheries and Marine PSDKU (Off Main Campus Study Program) Universitas Airlangga in Banyuwangi began to focus on Student Creativity Program (PKM). An effort to realize improvement was done by holding a BBM-KTI work program (Joint Learning Writing – Scientific Writing).

A work program of the Research Department of Aquaculture Student Association was focused on freshmen, especially   on PKM writing.

“For this year’s BBM-KTI, we focus on PKM writing for freshmen. And, this project is included in the series of sustainable FPK PKKMB. So, it is mandatory for freshmen, “said Audya Seizty, as the head of the committee.

“The aim of BBM-KTI is to increase the number of PKM proposals uploaded by FPK students this year. So the possibility for funded proposal is getting bigger, ” she added.

Audy also said that in its implementation, BBM-KTI was held three times by the lecturers and the Garuda Sakti team of PSDKU UNAIR and they different topics for each session.

“This BBM-KTI has three topics of discussion, the title, background, and methods and general description, ” she said.

So, BBM-KTI is not only about introducing Student Creativity Program to freshmen but also train freshmen to write well and correctly.

“I hope, the quality and quantity of PKM in FPK can improve and the ability to write well and correctly from freshmen can be implemented. It is good for writing scientific papers or daily report assignments,” she said.

Meanwhile, Alvin Avia Apriliana, one of the members of Garuda Sakti PSDKU UNAIR, said that October 26 was the time for the final PKM proposal collection. Furthermore, the proposal was sent to Surabaya to be selected.

Alhamdulillah, the number of PKM proposals from FPK has increased. There are 39 PKM proposals. Last year the proposals submitted from FPK did not reach 30 titles, ” she said.

“Hopefully this year more proposals from PSDKU will be funded and after being funded they have to work hard so they can qualify to Pimnas,” she hoped. (*)



Author: Bastian Ragas

Editor: Feri Fenoria

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